1 /**
2 	LDC compiler support.
4 	Copyright: © 2013-2013 rejectedsoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.compilers.ldc;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.compilers.utils;
12 import dub.internal.utils;
13 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
14 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
15 import dub.internal.logging;
17 import std.algorithm;
18 import std.array;
19 import std.exception;
20 import std.typecons;
23 class LDCCompiler : Compiler {
24 	private static immutable s_options = [
25 		tuple(BuildOption.debugMode, ["-d-debug"]),
26 		tuple(BuildOption.releaseMode, ["-release"]),
27 		tuple(BuildOption.coverage, ["-cov"]),
28 		tuple(BuildOption.coverageCTFE, ["-cov=ctfe"]),
29 		tuple(BuildOption.debugInfo, ["-g"]),
30 		tuple(BuildOption.debugInfoC, ["-gc"]),
31 		tuple(BuildOption.alwaysStackFrame, ["-disable-fp-elim"]),
32 		//tuple(BuildOption.stackStomping, ["-?"]),
33 		tuple(BuildOption.inline, ["-enable-inlining", "-Hkeep-all-bodies"]),
34 		tuple(BuildOption.noBoundsCheck, ["-boundscheck=off"]),
35 		tuple(BuildOption.optimize, ["-O3"]),
36 		tuple(BuildOption.profile, ["-fdmd-trace-functions"]),
37 		tuple(BuildOption.unittests, ["-unittest"]),
38 		tuple(BuildOption.verbose, ["-v"]),
39 		tuple(BuildOption.ignoreUnknownPragmas, ["-ignore"]),
40 		tuple(BuildOption.syntaxOnly, ["-o-"]),
41 		tuple(BuildOption.warnings, ["-wi"]),
42 		tuple(BuildOption.warningsAsErrors, ["-w"]),
43 		tuple(BuildOption.ignoreDeprecations, ["-d"]),
44 		tuple(BuildOption.deprecationWarnings, ["-dw"]),
45 		tuple(BuildOption.deprecationErrors, ["-de"]),
46 		tuple(BuildOption.property, ["-property"]),
47 		//tuple(BuildOption.profileGC, ["-?"]),
48 		tuple(BuildOption.betterC, ["-betterC"]),
49 		tuple(BuildOption.lowmem, ["-lowmem"]),
50 		tuple(BuildOption.color, ["-enable-color"]),
52 		tuple(BuildOption._docs, ["-Dd=docs"]),
53 		tuple(BuildOption._ddox, ["-Xf=docs.json", "-Dd=__dummy_docs"]),
54 	];
56 	@property string name() const { return "ldc"; }
58 	enum ldcVersionRe = `^version\s+v?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+[A-Za-z0-9.+-]*)`;
60 	unittest {
61 		import std.regex : matchFirst, regex;
62 		auto probe = `
63 binary    /usr/bin/ldc2
64 version   1.11.0 (DMD v2.081.2, LLVM 6.0.1)
65 config    /etc/ldc2.conf (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
66 `;
67 		auto re = regex(ldcVersionRe, "m");
68 		auto c = matchFirst(probe, re);
69 		assert(c && c.length > 1 && c[1] == "1.11.0");
70 	}
72 	string determineVersion(string compiler_binary, string verboseOutput)
73 	{
74 		import std.regex : matchFirst, regex;
75 		auto ver = matchFirst(verboseOutput, regex(ldcVersionRe, "m"));
76 		return ver && ver.length > 1 ? ver[1] : null;
77 	}
79 	BuildPlatform determinePlatform(ref BuildSettings settings, string compiler_binary, string arch_override)
80 	{
81 		string[] arch_flags;
82 		switch (arch_override) {
83 			case "": break;
84 			case "x86": arch_flags = ["-march=x86"]; break;
85 			case "x86_mscoff": arch_flags = ["-march=x86"]; break;
86 			case "x86_64": arch_flags = ["-march=x86-64"]; break;
87 			case "aarch64": arch_flags = ["-march=aarch64"]; break;
88 			case "powerpc64": arch_flags = ["-march=powerpc64"]; break;
89 			default:
90 				if (arch_override.canFind('-'))
91 					arch_flags = ["-mtriple="~arch_override];
92 				else
93 					throw new UnsupportedArchitectureException(arch_override);
94 				break;
95 		}
96 		settings.addDFlags(arch_flags);
98 		return probePlatform(
99 			compiler_binary,
100 			arch_flags ~ ["-c", "-o-", "-v"],
101 			arch_override
102 		);
103 	}
105 	void prepareBuildSettings(ref BuildSettings settings, const scope ref BuildPlatform platform, BuildSetting fields = BuildSetting.all) const
106 	{
107 		import std.format : format;
108 		enforceBuildRequirements(settings);
110 		// Keep the current dflags at the end of the array so that they will overwrite other flags.
111 		// This allows user $DFLAGS to modify flags added by us.
112 		const dflagsTail = settings.dflags;
113 		settings.dflags = [];
115 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.options)) {
116 			foreach (t; s_options)
117 				if (settings.options & t[0])
118 					settings.addDFlags(t[1]);
119 		}
121 		// since LDC always outputs multiple object files, avoid conflicts by default
122 		settings.addDFlags("--oq", format("-od=%s/obj", settings.targetPath));
124 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.versions)) {
125 			settings.addDFlags(settings.versions.map!(s => "-d-version="~s)().array());
126 			settings.versions = null;
127 		}
129 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.debugVersions)) {
130 			settings.addDFlags(settings.debugVersions.map!(s => "-d-debug="~s)().array());
131 			settings.debugVersions = null;
132 		}
134 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.importPaths)) {
135 			settings.addDFlags(settings.importPaths.map!(s => "-I"~s)().array());
136 			settings.importPaths = null;
137 		}
139 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.cImportPaths)) {
140 			settings.addDFlags(settings.cImportPaths.map!(s => "-I"~s)().array());
141 			settings.cImportPaths = null;
142 		}
144 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.stringImportPaths)) {
145 			settings.addDFlags(settings.stringImportPaths.map!(s => "-J"~s)().array());
146 			settings.stringImportPaths = null;
147 		}
149 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.sourceFiles)) {
150 			settings.addDFlags(settings.sourceFiles);
151 			settings.sourceFiles = null;
152 		}
154 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.libs)) {
155 			resolveLibs(settings, platform);
156 			settings.addLFlags(settings.libs.map!(l => "-l"~l)().array());
157 		}
159 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.lflags)) {
160 			settings.addDFlags(lflagsToDFlags(settings.lflags));
161 			settings.lflags = null;
162 		}
164 		if (settings.options & BuildOption.pic) {
165 			if (platform.isWindows()) {
166 				/* This has nothing to do with PIC, but as the PIC option is exclusively
167 				 * set internally for code that ends up in a dynamic library, explicitly
168 				 * specify what `-shared` defaults to (`-shared` can't be used when
169 				 * compiling only, without linking).
170 				 * *Pre*pending the flags enables the user to override them.
171 				 */
172 				settings.prependDFlags("-fvisibility=public", "-dllimport=all");
173 			} else {
174 				settings.addDFlags("-relocation-model=pic");
175 			}
176 		}
178 		settings.addDFlags(dflagsTail);
180 		assert(fields & BuildSetting.dflags);
181 		assert(fields & BuildSetting.copyFiles);
182 	}
184 	void extractBuildOptions(ref BuildSettings settings) const
185 	{
186 		Appender!(string[]) newflags;
187 		next_flag: foreach (f; settings.dflags) {
188 			foreach (t; s_options)
189 				if (t[1].canFind(f)) {
190 					settings.options |= t[0];
191 					continue next_flag;
192 				}
193 			if (f.startsWith("-d-version=")) settings.addVersions(f[11 .. $]);
194 			else if (f.startsWith("-d-debug=")) settings.addDebugVersions(f[9 .. $]);
195 			else newflags ~= f;
196 		}
197 		settings.dflags = newflags.data;
198 	}
200 	string getTargetFileName(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform)
201 	const {
202 		assert(settings.targetName.length > 0, "No target name set.");
204 		const p = platform.platform;
205 		final switch (settings.targetType) {
206 			case TargetType.autodetect: assert(false, "Configurations must have a concrete target type.");
207 			case TargetType.none: return null;
208 			case TargetType.sourceLibrary: return null;
209 			case TargetType.executable:
210 				if (p.canFind("windows"))
211 					return settings.targetName ~ ".exe";
212 				else if (p.canFind("wasm"))
213 					return settings.targetName ~ ".wasm";
214 				else return settings.targetName.idup;
215 			case TargetType.library:
216 			case TargetType.staticLibrary:
217 				if (p.canFind("windows") && !p.canFind("mingw"))
218 					return settings.targetName ~ ".lib";
219 				else return "lib" ~ settings.targetName ~ ".a";
220 			case TargetType.dynamicLibrary:
221 				if (p.canFind("windows"))
222 					return settings.targetName ~ ".dll";
223 				else if (p.canFind("darwin"))
224 					return "lib" ~ settings.targetName ~ ".dylib";
225 				else return "lib" ~ settings.targetName ~ ".so";
226 			case TargetType.object:
227 				if (p.canFind("windows"))
228 					return settings.targetName ~ ".obj";
229 				else return settings.targetName ~ ".o";
230 		}
231 	}
233 	void setTarget(ref BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string tpath = null) const
234 	{
235 		const targetFileName = getTargetFileName(settings, platform);
237 		final switch (settings.targetType) {
238 			case TargetType.autodetect: assert(false, "Invalid target type: autodetect");
239 			case TargetType.none: assert(false, "Invalid target type: none");
240 			case TargetType.sourceLibrary: assert(false, "Invalid target type: sourceLibrary");
241 			case TargetType.executable: break;
242 			case TargetType.library:
243 			case TargetType.staticLibrary:
244 				settings.addDFlags("-lib");
245 				break;
246 			case TargetType.dynamicLibrary:
247 				settings.addDFlags("-shared");
248 				addDynamicLibName(settings, platform, targetFileName);
249 				break;
250 			case TargetType.object:
251 				settings.addDFlags("-c");
252 				break;
253 		}
255 		if (tpath is null)
256 			tpath = (NativePath(settings.targetPath) ~ targetFileName).toNativeString();
257 		settings.addDFlags("-of"~tpath);
258 	}
260 	void invoke(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, void delegate(int, string) output_callback, NativePath cwd)
261 	{
262 		auto res_file = getTempFile("dub-build", ".rsp");
263 		const(string)[] args = settings.dflags;
264 		if (platform.frontendVersion >= 2066) args ~= "-vcolumns";
265 		writeFile(res_file, escapeArgs(args).join("\n"));
267 		logDiagnostic("%s %s", platform.compilerBinary, escapeArgs(args).join(" "));
268 		string[string] env;
269 		foreach (aa; [settings.environments, settings.buildEnvironments])
270 			foreach (k, v; aa)
271 				env[k] = v;
272 		invokeTool([platform.compilerBinary, "@"~res_file.toNativeString()], output_callback, cwd, env);
273 	}
275 	void invokeLinker(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string[] objects, void delegate(int, string) output_callback, NativePath cwd)
276 	{
277 		import std.string;
278 		auto tpath = NativePath(settings.targetPath) ~ getTargetFileName(settings, platform);
279 		auto args = ["-of"~tpath.toNativeString()];
280 		args ~= objects;
281 		args ~= settings.sourceFiles;
282 		if (platform.platform.canFind("linux"))
283 			args ~= "-L--no-as-needed"; // avoids linker errors due to libraries being specified in the wrong order
284 		args ~= lflagsToDFlags(settings.lflags);
285 		args ~= settings.dflags.filter!(f => isLinkerDFlag(f)).array;
287 		auto res_file = getTempFile("dub-build", ".lnk");
288 		writeFile(res_file, escapeArgs(args).join("\n"));
290 		logDiagnostic("%s %s", platform.compilerBinary, escapeArgs(args).join(" "));
291 		string[string] env;
292 		foreach (aa; [settings.environments, settings.buildEnvironments])
293 			foreach (k, v; aa)
294 				env[k] = v;
295 		invokeTool([platform.compilerBinary, "@"~res_file.toNativeString()], output_callback, cwd, env);
296 	}
298 	string[] lflagsToDFlags(const string[] lflags) const
299 	{
300         return map!(f => "-L"~f)(lflags.filter!(f => f != "")()).array();
301 	}
303 	private auto escapeArgs(in string[] args)
304 	{
305 		return args.map!(s => s.canFind(' ') ? "\""~s~"\"" : s);
306 	}
308 	static bool isLinkerDFlag(string arg)
309 	{
310 		if (arg.length > 2 && arg.startsWith("--"))
311 			arg = arg[1 .. $]; // normalize to 1 leading hyphen
313 		switch (arg) {
314 			case "-g", "-gc", "-m32", "-m64", "-shared", "-lib",
315 			     "-betterC", "-disable-linker-strip-dead", "-static":
316 				return true;
317 			default:
318 				return arg.startsWith("-L")
319 				    || arg.startsWith("-Xcc=")
320 				    || arg.startsWith("-defaultlib=")
321 				    || arg.startsWith("-platformlib=")
322 				    || arg.startsWith("-flto")
323 				    || arg.startsWith("-fsanitize=")
324 				    || arg.startsWith("-gcc=")
325 				    || arg.startsWith("-link-")
326 				    || arg.startsWith("-linker=")
327 				    || arg.startsWith("-march=")
328 				    || arg.startsWith("-mscrtlib=")
329 				    || arg.startsWith("-mtriple=");
330 		}
331 	}
332 }