1 #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
2 /*******************************************************************************
4     Standalone build script for DUB
6     This script can be called from anywhere, as it deduces absolute paths
7     based on the script's placement in the repository.
9     Invoking it while making use of all the options would like like this:
10     DMD=ldmd2 DFLAGS="-O -inline" ./build.d my-dub-version
11     Using an environment variable for the version is also supported:
12     DMD=dmd DFLAGS="-w -g" GITVER="1.2.3" ./build.d
14     Copyright: D Language Foundation
15     Authors: Mathias 'Geod24' Lang
16     License: MIT
18 *******************************************************************************/
19 module build;
21 private:
23 import std.algorithm;
24 static import std.file;
25 import std.format;
26 import std.path;
27 import std.process;
28 import std.stdio;
29 import std.string;
31 /// Root of the `git` repository
32 immutable RootPath = __FILE_FULL_PATH__.dirName;
33 /// Path to the version file
34 immutable VersionFilePath = RootPath.buildPath("source", "dub", "version_.d");
35 /// Path to the file containing the files to be built
36 immutable SourceListPath = RootPath.buildPath("build-files.txt");
37 /// Path at which the newly built `dub` binary will be
38 version (Windows) {
39 	immutable DubBinPath = RootPath.buildPath("bin", "dub.exe");
40 } else {
41 	immutable DubBinPath = RootPath.buildPath("bin", "dub");
42 }
44 // Flags for DMD
45 immutable OutputFlag = "-of" ~ DubBinPath;
46 immutable IncludeFlag = "-I" ~ RootPath.buildPath("source");
47 immutable DefaultDFLAGS = [ "-g", "-O", "-w" ];
50 /// Entry point
51 int main(string[] args)
52 {
53     // This does not have a 'proper' CLI interface, as it's only used in
54     // special cases (e.g. package maintainers can use it for bootstrapping),
55     // not for general / everyday usage by newcomer.
56     // So the following is just an heuristic / best effort approach.
57     if (args.canFind("--help", "/?", "-h"))
58     {
59         writeln("USAGE: ./build.d [compiler args (default:", DefaultDFLAGS, "]");
60         writeln();
61         writeln("  In order to build DUB, a version module must first be generated.");
62         writeln("  If the GITVER environment variable is present, it will be used to generate the version module.");
63         writeln("  Otherwise this script will look for a pre-existing version module.");
64         writeln("  If no GITVER is provided and no version module exists, `git describe` will be called");
65         writeln("  Build flags can be provided as arguments.");
66         writeln("  LDC or GDC can be used by setting the `DMD` value to " ~
67                 "`ldmd2` and `gdmd` (or their path), respectively.");
68         return 1;
69     }
71     immutable dubVersion = environment.get("GITVER", "");
72     if (!writeVersionFile(dubVersion))
73         return 1;
75     immutable dmd = getCompiler();
76     if (!dmd.length) return 1;
77     const dflags = args.length > 1 ? args[1 .. $] : DefaultDFLAGS;
79     // Compiler says no to immutable (because it can't handle the appending)
80     const command = [
81         dmd,
82         OutputFlag, IncludeFlag,
83         "-version=DubUseCurl", "-version=DubApplication",
84         ] ~ dflags ~ [ "@build-files.txt" ];
86     writeln("Building dub using ", dmd, " (dflags: ", dflags, "), this may take a while...");
87     auto proc = execute(command);
88     if (proc.status != 0)
89     {
90         writeln("Command `", command, "` failed, output was:");
91         writeln(proc.output);
92         return 1;
93     }
95     writeln("DUB has been built as: ", DubBinPath);
96     version (Posix)
97         writeln("You may want to run `sudo ln -s ", DubBinPath, " /usr/local/bin` now");
98     else version (Windows)
99         writeln("You may want to add the following entry to your PATH " ~
100                 "environment variable: ", DubBinPath);
101     return 0;
102 }
104 /**
105    Generate the version file describing DUB's version / commit
107    Params:
108      dubVersion = User provided version file. Can be `null` / empty,
109                   in which case the existing file (if any) takes precedence,
110                   or the version is infered with `git describe`.
111                   A non-empty parameter will always override the existing file.
112  */
113 bool writeVersionFile(string dubVersion)
114 {
115     if (!dubVersion.length)
116     {
117         if (std.file.exists(VersionFilePath))
118         {
119             writeln("Using pre-existing version file. To force a rebuild, " ~
120                     "provide an explicit version (first argument) or remove: ",
121                     VersionFilePath);
122             return true;
123         }
125         auto pid = execute(["git", "describe"]);
126         if (pid.status != 0)
127         {
128             writeln("Could not determine version with `git describe`. " ~
129                     "Make sure 'git' is installed and this is a git repository. " ~
130                     "Alternatively, you can provide a version explicitly via the " ~
131                     "`GITVER environment variable or pass it as the first " ~
132                     "argument to this script");
133             return false;
134         }
135         dubVersion = pid.output.strip();
136     }
138     try
139     {
140         std.file.write(VersionFilePath, q{
141 /**
142    DUB version file
144    This file is auto-generated by 'build.d'. DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!
145  */
146 module dub.version_;
148 enum dubVersion = "%s";
149 }.format(dubVersion));
150         writeln("Wrote version_.d` file with version: ", dubVersion);
151         return true;
152     }
153     catch (Exception e)
154     {
155         writeln("Writing version file to '", VersionFilePath, "' failed: ", e.msg);
156         return false;
157     }
158 }
160 /**
161    Detect which compiler is available
163    Default to DMD, then LDC (ldmd2), then GDC (gdmd).
164    If none is in the PATH, an error will be thrown.
166    Note:
167      It would be optimal if we could get the path of the compiler
168      invoking this script, but AFAIK this isn't possible.
169  */
170 string getCompiler ()
171 {
172     auto env = environment.get("DMD", "");
173     // If the user asked for a compiler explicitly, respect it
174     if (env.length)
175         return env;
177     static immutable Compilers = [ "dmd", "ldmd2", "gdmd" ];
178     foreach (bin; Compilers)
179     {
180         try
181         {
182             auto pid = execute([bin, "--version"]);
183             if (pid.status == 0)
184                 return bin;
185         }
186         catch (Exception e)
187             continue;
188     }
189     writeln("No compiler has been found in the PATH. Attempted values: ", Compilers);
190     writeln("Make sure one of those is in the PATH, or set the `DMD` variable");
191     return null;
192 }