1 /**
2 	Generator for VisualD project files
4 	Copyright: © 2012-2013 Matthias Dondorff
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Matthias Dondorff
7 */
8 module dub.generators.visuald;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.generators.generator;
12 import dub.internal.utils;
13 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
14 import dub.internal.logging;
15 import dub.package_;
16 import dub.packagemanager;
17 import dub.project;
19 import std.algorithm;
20 import std.array;
21 import std.conv;
22 import std.exception;
23 import std.format;
24 import std.string : format;
25 import std.uuid;
28 // Dubbing is developing dub...
29 //version = DUBBING;
31 // TODO: handle pre/post build commands
34 class VisualDGenerator : ProjectGenerator {
35 	private {
36 		string[string] m_projectUuids;
37 	}
39 	this(Project project)
40 	{
41 		super(project);
42 	}
44 	override void generateTargets(GeneratorSettings settings, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
45 	{
46 		logDebug("About to generate projects for %s, with %s direct dependencies.", m_project.rootPackage.name, m_project.rootPackage.getAllDependencies().length);
47 		generateProjectFiles(settings, targets);
48 		generateSolutionFile(settings, targets);
49 	}
51 	private {
52 		void generateSolutionFile(GeneratorSettings settings, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
53 		{
54 			auto ret = appender!(char[])();
55 			auto configs = m_project.getPackageConfigs(settings.platform, settings.config);
56 			auto some_uuid = generateUUID();
58 			// Solution header
59 			ret.put("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00\n");
60 			ret.put("# Visual Studio 2010\n");
62 			bool[string] visited;
63 			void generateSolutionEntry(string pack) {
64 				if (pack in visited) return;
65 				visited[pack] = true;
67 				auto ti = targets[pack];
69 				auto uuid = guid(pack);
70 				ret.formattedWrite("Project(\"%s\") = \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"\n",
71 					some_uuid, pack, projFileName(pack), uuid);
73 				if (ti.linkDependencies.length && ti.buildSettings.targetType != TargetType.staticLibrary) {
74 					ret.put("\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n");
75 					foreach (d; ti.linkDependencies)
76 						if (!isHeaderOnlyPackage(d, targets)) {
77 							// TODO: clarify what "uuid = uuid" should mean
78 							ret.formattedWrite("\t\t%s = %s\n", guid(d), guid(d));
79 						}
80 					ret.put("\tEndProjectSection\n");
81 				}
83 				ret.put("EndProject\n");
85 				foreach (d; ti.dependencies) generateSolutionEntry(d);
86 			}
88 			auto mainpack = m_project.rootPackage.name;
90 			generateSolutionEntry(mainpack);
92 			// Global section contains configurations
93 			ret.put("Global\n");
94 			ret.put("\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\n");
95 			ret.formattedWrite("\t\t%s|%s = %s|%s\n",
96 				settings.buildType,
97 				settings.platform.architecture[0].vsArchitecture,
98 				settings.buildType,
99 				settings.platform.architecture[0].vsArchitecture);
100 			ret.put("\tEndGlobalSection\n");
101 			ret.put("\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\n");
103 			const string[] sub = ["ActiveCfg", "Build.0"];
104 			const string[] conf = [settings.buildType~"|"~settings.platform.architecture[0].vsArchitecture];
105 			foreach (t; targets.byKey)
106 				foreach (c; conf)
107 					foreach (s; sub)
108 						formattedWrite(ret, "\t\t%s.%s.%s = %s\n", guid(t), c, s, c);
110 			// TODO: for all dependencies
111 			ret.put("\tEndGlobalSection\n");
113 			ret.put("\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\n");
114 			ret.put("\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE\n");
115 			ret.put("\tEndGlobalSection\n");
116 			ret.put("EndGlobal\n");
118 			// Writing solution file
119 			logDebug("About to write to .sln file with %s bytes", to!string(ret.data.length));
120 			NativePath(solutionFileName()).writeFile(ret.data);
121 			logInfo("Generated", Color.green, "%s (solution)", solutionFileName());
122 		}
125 		void generateProjectFiles(GeneratorSettings settings, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
126 		{
127 			bool[string] visited;
128 			void performRec(string name) {
129 				if (name in visited) return;
130 				visited[name] = true;
131 				generateProjectFile(name, settings, targets);
132 				foreach (d; targets[name].dependencies)
133 					performRec(d);
134 			}
136 			performRec(m_project.rootPackage.name);
137 		}
139 		bool isHeaderOnlyPackage(string pack, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
140 		const {
141 			auto buildsettings = targets[pack].buildSettings;
142 			if (!buildsettings.sourceFiles.any!(f => f.endsWith(".d"))())
143 				return true;
144 			return false;
145 		}
147 		void generateProjectFile(string packname, GeneratorSettings settings, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
148 		{
149 			import dub.compilers.utils : isLinkerFile;
151 			auto ret = appender!(char[])();
153 			auto root_package_path = m_project.rootPackage.path;
154 			auto basepath = NativePath(".dub/");
155 			if (!isWritableDir(basepath, true))
156 				throw new Exception(".dub is not writeable");
157 			ret.put("<DProject>\n");
158 			ret.formattedWrite("  <ProjectGuid>%s</ProjectGuid>\n", guid(packname));
160 			// Several configurations (debug, release, unittest)
161 			generateProjectConfiguration(ret, packname, settings.buildType, settings, targets);
162 			//generateProjectConfiguration(ret, packname, "release", settings, targets);
163 			//generateProjectConfiguration(ret, packname, "unittest", settings, targets);
165 			// Add all files
166 			auto files = targets[packname].buildSettings;
167 			SourceFile[string] sourceFiles;
168 			void addSourceFile(NativePath file_path, NativePath structure_path, SourceFile.Action action)
169 			{
170 				auto key = file_path.toString();
171 				auto sf = sourceFiles.get(key, SourceFile.init);
172 				sf.filePath = file_path;
173 				if (sf.action == SourceFile.Action.none) {
174 					sf.action = action;
175 					sf.structurePath = structure_path;
176 				}
177 				sourceFiles[key] = sf;
178 			}
180 			void addFile(string s, SourceFile.Action action) {
181 				auto sp = NativePath(s);
182 				assert(sp.absolute, format("Source path in %s expected to be absolute: %s", packname, s));
183 				//if( !sp.absolute ) sp = pack.path ~ sp;
184 				addSourceFile(sp.relativeTo(settings.toolWorkingDirectory ~ basepath), determineStructurePath(sp, targets[packname]), action);
185 			}
187 			foreach (p; targets[packname].packages)
188 				if (!p.recipePath.empty)
189 					addFile(p.recipePath.toNativeString(), SourceFile.Action.none);
191 			if (files.targetType == TargetType.staticLibrary)
192 				foreach(s; files.sourceFiles.filter!(s => !isLinkerFile(settings.platform, s))) addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.build);
193 			else
194 				foreach(s; files.sourceFiles.filter!(s => !s.endsWith(".lib"))) addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.build);
196 			foreach(s; files.importFiles) addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.none);
197 			foreach(s; files.stringImportFiles) addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.none);
198 			findFilesMatchingGlobs(root_package_path, files.copyFiles, s => addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.copy));
199 			findFilesMatchingGlobs(root_package_path, files.extraDependencyFiles, s => addFile(s, SourceFile.Action.none));
201 			// Create folders and files
202 			ret.formattedWrite("  <Folder name=\"%s\">", getPackageFileName(packname));
203 			typeof(NativePath.init.head)[] lastFolder;
204 			foreach(source; sortedSources(sourceFiles.values)) {
205 				logDebug("source looking at %s", source.structurePath);
206 				auto cur = source.structurePath.parentPath.bySegment.array;
207 				if(lastFolder != cur) {
208 					size_t same = 0;
209 					foreach(idx; 0..min(lastFolder.length, cur.length))
210 						if(lastFolder[idx] != cur[idx]) break;
211 						else same = idx+1;
213 					const decrease = lastFolder.length - min(lastFolder.length, same);
214 					const increase = cur.length - min(cur.length, same);
216 					foreach(unused; 0..decrease)
217 						ret.put("\n    </Folder>");
218 					foreach(idx; 0..increase)
219 						ret.formattedWrite("\n    <Folder name=\"%s\">", cur[same + idx].name);
220 					lastFolder = cur;
221 				}
222 				final switch (source.action) with (SourceFile.Action)
223 				{
224 					case none:
225 						ret.formattedWrite("\n      <File path=\"%s\" tool=\"None\" />", source.filePath.toNativeString());
226 						break;
227 					case build:
228 						ret.formattedWrite("\n      <File path=\"%s\" />", source.filePath.toNativeString());
229 						break;
230 					case copy:
231 						ret.formattedWrite("\n      <File customcmd=\"copy /Y $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\" path=\"%s\" tool=\"Custom\" />", source.filePath.toNativeString());
232 						break;
233 				}
234 			}
235 			// Finalize all open folders
236 			foreach(unused; 0..lastFolder.length)
237 				ret.put("\n    </Folder>");
238 			ret.put("\n  </Folder>\n</DProject>");
240 			logDebug("About to write to '%s.visualdproj' file %s bytes", getPackageFileName(packname), ret.data.length);
241 			projFileName(packname).writeFile(ret.data);
242 		}
244 		void generateProjectConfiguration(Appender!(char[]) ret, string pack, string type, GeneratorSettings settings, in TargetInfo[string] targets)
245 		{
246 			auto cwd = settings.toolWorkingDirectory;
247 			auto buildsettings = targets[pack].buildSettings.dup;
248 			auto basepath = NativePath(".dub/");
250 			string[] getSettings(string setting)(){ return __traits(getMember, buildsettings, setting); }
251 			string[] getPathSettings(string setting)()
252 			{
253 				auto settings = getSettings!setting();
254 				auto ret = new string[settings.length];
255 				foreach (i; 0 .. settings.length) {
256 					// \" is interpreted as an escaped " by cmd.exe, so we need to avoid that
257 					auto p = NativePath(settings[i]).relativeTo(cwd ~ basepath);
258 					p.endsWithSlash = false;
259 					ret[i] = '"' ~ p.toNativeString() ~ '"';
260 				}
261 				return ret;
262 			}
264 			if (buildsettings.targetType == TargetType.none)
265 				return;
267 			foreach(architecture; settings.platform.architecture) {
268 				auto arch = architecture.vsArchitecture;
269 				ret.formattedWrite("  <Config name=\"%s\" platform=\"%s\">\n", to!string(type), arch);
271 				// debug and optimize setting
272 				ret.formattedWrite("    <symdebug>%s</symdebug>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.debugInfo ? "1" : "0");
273 				ret.formattedWrite("    <optimize>%s</optimize>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.optimize ? "1" : "0");
274 				ret.formattedWrite("    <useInline>%s</useInline>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.inline ? "1" : "0");
275 				ret.formattedWrite("    <release>%s</release>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.releaseMode ? "1" : "0");
277 				// Lib or exe?
278 				enum
279 				{
280 					Executable = 0,
281 					StaticLib = 1,
282 					DynamicLib = 2
283 				}
285 				int output_type = StaticLib; // library
286 				string output_ext = "lib";
287 				if (buildsettings.targetType == TargetType.executable)
288 				{
289 					output_type = Executable;
290 					output_ext = "exe";
291 				}
292 				else if (buildsettings.targetType == TargetType.dynamicLibrary)
293 				{
294 					output_type = DynamicLib;
295 					output_ext = "dll";
296 				}
297 				auto bin_path = pack == m_project.rootPackage.name ? NativePath(buildsettings.targetPath) : NativePath("lib/");
298 				bin_path.endsWithSlash = true;
299 				ret.formattedWrite("    <lib>%s</lib>\n", output_type);
300 				ret.formattedWrite("    <exefile>%s%s.%s</exefile>\n", bin_path.toNativeString(), buildsettings.targetName, output_ext);
302 				// include paths and string imports
303 				string imports = join(getPathSettings!"importPaths"(), " ");
304 				string cimports = join(getPathSettings!"cImportPaths"(), " ");
305 				string stringImports = join(getPathSettings!"stringImportPaths"(), " ");
306 				string combinedImports = join([imports, cimports], " ");
307 				ret.formattedWrite("    <imppath>%s</imppath>\n", combinedImports);
308 				ret.formattedWrite("    <fileImppath>%s</fileImppath>\n", stringImports);
310 				ret.formattedWrite("    <program>%s</program>\n", "$(DMDInstallDir)windows\\bin\\dmd.exe"); // FIXME: use the actually selected compiler!
311 				ret.formattedWrite("    <additionalOptions>%s</additionalOptions>\n", getSettings!"dflags"().join(" "));
313 				// Add version identifiers
314 				string versions = join(getSettings!"versions"(), " ");
315 				ret.formattedWrite("    <versionids>%s</versionids>\n", versions);
317 				// Add libraries, system libs need to be suffixed by ".lib".
318 				string linkLibs = join(map!(a => a~".lib")(getSettings!"libs"()), " ");
319 				string addLinkFiles = join(getSettings!"sourceFiles"().filter!(s => s.endsWith(".lib"))(), " ");
320 				if (arch == "x86") addLinkFiles ~= " phobos.lib";
321 				if (output_type != StaticLib) ret.formattedWrite("    <libfiles>%s %s</libfiles>\n", linkLibs, addLinkFiles);
323 				// Unittests
324 				ret.formattedWrite("    <useUnitTests>%s</useUnitTests>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.unittests ? "1" : "0");
326 				// Better C
327 				ret.formattedWrite("    <betterC>%s</betterC>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.betterC ? "1" : "0");
329 				// compute directory for intermediate files (need dummy/ because of how -op determines the resulting path)
330 				size_t ndummy = 0;
331 				foreach (f; buildsettings.sourceFiles) {
332 					auto rpath = NativePath(f).relativeTo(cwd ~ basepath);
333 					size_t nd = 0;
334 					foreach (s; rpath.bySegment)
335 						if (s == "..")
336 							nd++;
337 					if (nd > ndummy) ndummy = nd;
338 				}
339 				string intersubdir = replicate("dummy/", ndummy) ~ getPackageFileName(pack);
341 				ret.put("    <obj>0</obj>\n");
342 				ret.put("    <link>0</link>\n");
343 				ret.put("    <subsystem>0</subsystem>\n");
344 				ret.put("    <multiobj>0</multiobj>\n");
345 				int singlefilemode;
346 				final switch (settings.buildMode) with (BuildMode) {
347 					case separate: singlefilemode = 2; break;
348 					case allAtOnce: singlefilemode = 0; break;
349 					case singleFile: singlefilemode = 1; break;
350 					//case compileOnly: singlefilemode = 3; break;
351 				}
352 				ret.formattedWrite("    <singleFileCompilation>%s</singleFileCompilation>\n", singlefilemode);
353 				ret.formattedWrite("    <mscoff>%s</mscoff>", buildsettings.dflags.canFind("-m32mscoff") ? "1" : "0");
354 				ret.put("    <oneobj>0</oneobj>\n");
355 				ret.put("    <trace>0</trace>\n");
356 				ret.put("    <quiet>0</quiet>\n");
357 				ret.formattedWrite("    <verbose>%s</verbose>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.verbose ? "1" : "0");
358 				ret.put("    <vtls>0</vtls>\n");
359 				ret.put("    <cpu>0</cpu>\n");
360 				ret.formattedWrite("    <isX86_64>%s</isX86_64>\n", arch == "x64" ? 1 : 0);
361 				ret.put("    <isLinux>0</isLinux>\n");
362 				ret.put("    <isOSX>0</isOSX>\n");
363 				ret.put("    <isWindows>0</isWindows>\n");
364 				ret.put("    <isFreeBSD>0</isFreeBSD>\n");
365 				ret.put("    <isSolaris>0</isSolaris>\n");
366 				ret.put("    <isDragonFlyBSD>0</isDragonFlyBSD>\n");
367 				ret.put("    <scheduler>0</scheduler>\n");
368 				ret.put("    <useDeprecated>0</useDeprecated>\n");
369 				ret.put("    <useAssert>0</useAssert>\n");
370 				ret.put("    <useInvariants>0</useInvariants>\n");
371 				ret.put("    <useIn>0</useIn>\n");
372 				ret.put("    <useOut>0</useOut>\n");
373 				ret.put("    <useArrayBounds>0</useArrayBounds>\n");
374 				ret.formattedWrite("    <noboundscheck>%s</noboundscheck>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.noBoundsCheck ? "1" : "0");
375 				ret.put("    <useSwitchError>0</useSwitchError>\n");
376 				ret.put("    <preservePaths>1</preservePaths>\n");
377 				ret.formattedWrite("    <warnings>%s</warnings>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.warningsAsErrors ? "1" : "0");
378 				ret.formattedWrite("    <infowarnings>%s</infowarnings>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.warnings ? "1" : "0");
379 				ret.formattedWrite("    <checkProperty>%s</checkProperty>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.property ? "1" : "0");
380 				ret.formattedWrite("    <genStackFrame>%s</genStackFrame>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.alwaysStackFrame ? "1" : "0");
381 				ret.put("    <pic>0</pic>\n");
382 				ret.formattedWrite("    <cov>%s</cov>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.coverage ? "1" : "0");
383 				ret.put("    <nofloat>0</nofloat>\n");
384 				ret.put("    <Dversion>2</Dversion>\n");
385 				ret.formattedWrite("    <ignoreUnsupportedPragmas>%s</ignoreUnsupportedPragmas>\n", buildsettings.options & BuildOption.ignoreUnknownPragmas ? "1" : "0");
386 				ret.formattedWrite("    <compiler>%s</compiler>\n", settings.compiler.name == "ldc" ? 2 : settings.compiler.name == "gdc" ? 1 : 0);
387 				ret.formattedWrite("    <otherDMD>0</otherDMD>\n");
388 				ret.formattedWrite("    <outdir>%s</outdir>\n", bin_path.toNativeString());
389 				ret.formattedWrite("    <objdir>obj/%s/%s</objdir>\n", to!string(type), intersubdir);
390 				ret.put("    <objname />\n");
391 				ret.put("    <libname />\n");
392 				ret.put("    <doDocComments>0</doDocComments>\n");
393 				ret.put("    <docdir />\n");
394 				ret.put("    <docname />\n");
395 				ret.put("    <modules_ddoc />\n");
396 				ret.put("    <ddocfiles />\n");
397 				ret.put("    <doHdrGeneration>0</doHdrGeneration>\n");
398 				ret.put("    <hdrdir />\n");
399 				ret.put("    <hdrname />\n");
400 				ret.put("    <doXGeneration>1</doXGeneration>\n");
401 				ret.put("    <xfilename>$(IntDir)\\$(TargetName).json</xfilename>\n");
402 				ret.put("    <debuglevel>0</debuglevel>\n");
403 				ret.put("    <versionlevel>0</versionlevel>\n");
404 				ret.put("    <debugids />\n");
405 				ret.put("    <dump_source>0</dump_source>\n");
406 				ret.put("    <mapverbosity>0</mapverbosity>\n");
407 				ret.put("    <createImplib>0</createImplib>\n");
408 				ret.put("    <defaultlibname />\n");
409 				ret.put("    <debuglibname />\n");
410 				ret.put("    <moduleDepsFile />\n");
411 				ret.put("    <run>0</run>\n");
412 				ret.put("    <runargs />\n");
413 				ret.put("    <runCv2pdb>1</runCv2pdb>\n");
414 				ret.put("    <pathCv2pdb>$(VisualDInstallDir)cv2pdb\\cv2pdb.exe</pathCv2pdb>\n");
415 				ret.put("    <cv2pdbPre2043>0</cv2pdbPre2043>\n");
416 				ret.put("    <cv2pdbNoDemangle>0</cv2pdbNoDemangle>\n");
417 				ret.put("    <cv2pdbEnumType>0</cv2pdbEnumType>\n");
418 				ret.put("    <cv2pdbOptions />\n");
419 				ret.put("    <objfiles />\n");
420 				ret.put("    <linkswitches />\n");
421 				ret.put("    <libpaths />\n");
422 				ret.put("    <deffile />\n");
423 				ret.put("    <resfile />\n");
424 				auto wdir = NativePath(buildsettings.workingDirectory);
425 				if (!wdir.absolute) wdir = m_project.rootPackage.path ~ wdir;
426 				ret.formattedWrite("    <debugworkingdir>%s</debugworkingdir>\n",
427 					wdir.relativeTo(cwd ~ basepath).toNativeString());
428 				ret.put("    <preBuildCommand />\n");
429 				ret.put("    <postBuildCommand />\n");
430 				ret.put("    <filesToClean>*.obj;*.cmd;*.build;*.dep</filesToClean>\n");
431 				ret.put("  </Config>\n");
432 			} // foreach(architecture)
433 		}
435 		void performOnDependencies(const Package main, string[string] configs, void delegate(const Package pack) op)
436 		{
437 			foreach (p; m_project.getTopologicalPackageList(false, main, configs)) {
438 				if (p is main) continue;
439 				op(p);
440 			}
441 		}
443 		string generateUUID() const {
444 			import std.string;
445 			return "{" ~ toUpper(randomUUID().toString()) ~ "}";
446 		}
448 		string guid(string projectName) {
449 			if(projectName !in m_projectUuids)
450 				m_projectUuids[projectName] = generateUUID();
451 			return m_projectUuids[projectName];
452 		}
454 		auto solutionFileName() const {
455 			version(DUBBING) return getPackageFileName(m_project.rootPackage) ~ ".dubbed.sln";
456 			else return getPackageFileName(m_project.rootPackage.name) ~ ".sln";
457 		}
459 		NativePath projFileName(string pack) const {
460 			auto basepath = NativePath(".dub/");
461 			version(DUBBING) return basepath ~ (getPackageFileName(pack) ~ ".dubbed.visualdproj");
462 			else return basepath ~ (getPackageFileName(pack) ~ ".visualdproj");
463 		}
464 	}
466 	// TODO: nice folders
467 	private struct SourceFile {
468 		NativePath structurePath;
469 		NativePath filePath;
470 		enum Action { none, build, copy };
471 		Action action = Action.none;
473 		size_t toHash() const nothrow @trusted { return structurePath.toHash() ^ filePath.toHash() ^ (action * 0x1f3e7b2c); }
474 		int opCmp(ref const SourceFile rhs) const { return sortOrder(this, rhs); }
475 		// "a < b" for folder structures (deepest folder first, else lexical)
476 		private final static int sortOrder(ref const SourceFile a, ref const SourceFile b) {
477 			assert(!a.structurePath.empty);
478 			assert(!b.structurePath.empty);
479 			static if (is(typeof(a.structurePath.nodes))) { // vibe.d < 0.8.2
480 				auto as = a.structurePath.nodes;
481 				auto bs = b.structurePath.nodes;
482 			} else {
483 				auto as = a.structurePath.bySegment.array;
484 				auto bs = b.structurePath.bySegment.array;
485 			}
487 			// Check for different folders, compare folders only (omit last one).
488 			for(uint idx=0; idx<min(as.length-1, bs.length-1); ++idx)
489 				if(as[idx] != bs[idx])
490 					return as[idx].name.cmp(bs[idx].name);
492 			if(as.length != bs.length) {
493 				// If length differ, the longer one is "smaller", that is more
494 				// specialized and will be put out first.
495 				return as.length > bs.length? -1 : 1;
496 			}
497 			else {
498 				// Both paths indicate files in the same directory, use lexical
499 				// ordering for those.
500 				return as[$-1].name.cmp(bs[$-1].name);
501 			}
502 		}
503 	}
505 	private auto sortedSources(SourceFile[] sources) {
506 		return sort(sources);
507 	}
509 	unittest {
510 		SourceFile[] sfs = [
511 			{ NativePath("b/file.d"), NativePath("") },
512 			{ NativePath("b/b/fileA.d"), NativePath("") },
513 			{ NativePath("a/file.d"), NativePath("") },
514 			{ NativePath("b/b/fileB.d"), NativePath("") },
515 			{ NativePath("b/b/b/fileA.d"), NativePath("") },
516 			{ NativePath("b/c/fileA.d"), NativePath("") },
517 		];
518 		auto sorted = sort(sfs);
519 		SourceFile[] sortedSfs;
520 		foreach(sr; sorted)
521 			sortedSfs ~= sr;
522 		assert(sortedSfs[0].structurePath == NativePath("a/file.d"), "1");
523 		assert(sortedSfs[1].structurePath == NativePath("b/b/b/fileA.d"), "2");
524 		assert(sortedSfs[2].structurePath == NativePath("b/b/fileA.d"), "3");
525 		assert(sortedSfs[3].structurePath == NativePath("b/b/fileB.d"), "4");
526 		assert(sortedSfs[4].structurePath == NativePath("b/c/fileA.d"), "5");
527 		assert(sortedSfs[5].structurePath == NativePath("b/file.d"), "6");
528 	}
529 }
531 private NativePath determineStructurePath(NativePath file_path, in ProjectGenerator.TargetInfo target)
532 {
533 	foreach (p; target.packages) {
534 		if (file_path.startsWith(p.path))
535 			return NativePath(getPackageFileName(p.name)) ~ file_path.relativeTo(p.path);
536 	}
537 	return NativePath("misc/") ~ file_path.head;
538 }
540 private string getPackageFileName(string pack)
541 {
542 	return pack.replace(":", "_");
543 }
545 private @property string vsArchitecture(string architecture)
546 {
547 	switch(architecture) {
548 		default: logWarn("Unsupported platform('%s'), defaulting to x86", architecture); goto case;
549 		case "x86", "x86_mscoff": return "Win32";
550 		case "x86_64": return "x64";
551 	}
552 }