1 /**
2 	URL parsing routines.
4 	Copyright: © 2012 RejectedSoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.url;
10 public import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
12 import std.algorithm;
13 import std.array;
14 import std.conv;
15 import std.exception;
16 import std..string;
17 import std.uri;
20 /**
21 	Represents a URL decomposed into its components.
22 */
23 struct Url {
24 	private {
25 		string m_schema;
26 		string m_pathString;
27 		Path m_path;
28 		string m_host;
29 		ushort m_port;
30 		string m_username;
31 		string m_password;
32 		string m_queryString;
33 		string m_anchor;
34 	}
36 	/// Constructs a new URL object from its components.
37 	this(string schema, string host, ushort port, Path path)
38 	{
39 		m_schema = schema;
40 		m_host = host;
41 		m_port = port;
42 		m_path = path;
43 		m_pathString = path.toString();
44 	}
45 	/// ditto
46 	this(string schema, Path path)
47 	{
48 		this(schema, null, 0, path);
49 	}
51 	/** Constructs a URL from its string representation.
53 		TODO: additional validation required (e.g. valid host and user names and port)
54 	*/
55 	this(string url_string)
56 	{
57 		auto str = url_string;
58 		enforce(str.length > 0, "Empty URL.");
59 		if( str[0] != '/' ){
60 			auto idx = str.countUntil(':');
61 			enforce(idx > 0, "No schema in URL:"~str);
62 			m_schema = str[0 .. idx];
63 			str = str[idx+1 .. $];
64 			bool requires_host = false;
66 			switch(m_schema){
67 				case "http":
68 				case "https":
69 				case "ftp":
70 				case "spdy":
71 				case "sftp":
72 				case "file":
73 					// proto://server/path style
74 					enforce(str.startsWith("//"), "URL must start with proto://...");
75 					requires_host = true;
76 					str = str[2 .. $];
77 					goto default;
78 				default:
79 					auto si = str.countUntil('/');
80 					if( si < 0 ) si = str.length;
81 					auto ai = str[0 .. si].countUntil('@');
82 					sizediff_t hs = 0;
83 					if( ai >= 0 ){
84 						hs = ai+1;
85 						auto ci = str[0 .. ai].countUntil(':');
86 						if( ci >= 0 ){
87 							m_username = str[0 .. ci];
88 							m_password = str[ci+1 .. ai];
89 						} else m_username = str[0 .. ai];
90 						enforce(m_username.length > 0, "Empty user name in URL.");
91 					}
93 					m_host = str[hs .. si];
94 					auto pi = m_host.countUntil(':');
95 					if(pi > 0) {
96 						enforce(pi < m_host.length-1, "Empty port in URL.");
97 						m_port = to!ushort(m_host[pi+1..$]);
98 						m_host = m_host[0 .. pi];
99 					}
101 					enforce(!requires_host || m_schema == "file" || m_host.length > 0,
102 							"Empty server name in URL.");
103 					str = str[si .. $];
104 			}
105 		}
107 		this.localURI = str;
108 	}
109 	/// ditto
110 	static Url parse(string url_string)
111 	{
112 		return Url(url_string);
113 	}
115 	/// The schema/protocol part of the URL
116 	@property string schema() const { return m_schema; }
117 	/// ditto
118 	@property void schema(string v) { m_schema = v; }
120 	/// The path part of the URL in the original string form
121 	@property string pathString() const { return m_pathString; }
123 	/// The path part of the URL
124 	@property Path path() const { return m_path; }
125 	/// ditto
126 	@property void path(Path p)
127 	{
128 		m_path = p;
129 		auto pstr = p.toString();
130 		m_pathString = pstr;
131 	}
133 	/// The host part of the URL (depends on the schema)
134 	@property string host() const { return m_host; }
135 	/// ditto
136 	@property void host(string v) { m_host = v; }
138 	/// The port part of the URL (optional)
139 	@property ushort port() const { return m_port; }
140 	/// ditto
141 	@property port(ushort v) { m_port = v; }
143 	/// The user name part of the URL (optional)
144 	@property string username() const { return m_username; }
145 	/// ditto
146 	@property void username(string v) { m_username = v; }
148 	/// The password part of the URL (optional)
149 	@property string password() const { return m_password; }
150 	/// ditto
151 	@property void password(string v) { m_password = v; }
153 	/// The query string part of the URL (optional)
154 	@property string queryString() const { return m_queryString; }
155 	/// ditto
156 	@property void queryString(string v) { m_queryString = v; }
158 	/// The anchor part of the URL (optional)
159 	@property string anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
161 	/// The path part plus query string and anchor
162 	@property string localURI()
163 	const { 
164 		auto str = appender!string();
165 		str.reserve(m_pathString.length + 2 + queryString.length + anchor.length);
166 		str.put(encode(path.toString()));
167 		if( queryString.length ) {
168 			str.put("?");
169 			str.put(queryString);
170 		} 
171 		if( anchor.length ) {
172 			str.put("#");
173 			str.put(anchor);
174 		}
175 		return str.data;
176 	}
177 	/// ditto
178 	@property void localURI(string str)
179 	{
180 		auto ai = str.countUntil('#');
181 		if( ai >= 0 ){
182 			m_anchor = str[ai+1 .. $];
183 			str = str[0 .. ai];
184 		}
186 		auto qi = str.countUntil('?');
187 		if( qi >= 0 ){
188 			m_queryString = str[qi+1 .. $];
189 			str = str[0 .. qi];
190 		}
192 		m_pathString = str;
193 		m_path = Path(decode(str));
194 	}
196 	/// The URL to the parent path with query string and anchor stripped.
197 	@property Url parentUrl() const {
198 		Url ret;
199 		ret.schema = schema;
200 		ret.host = host;
201 		ret.port = port;
202 		ret.username = username;
203 		ret.password = password;
204 		ret.path = path.parentPath;
205 		return ret;
206 	}
208 	/// Converts this URL object to its string representation.
209 	string toString()
210 	const {
211 		import std.format;
212 		auto dst = appender!string();
213 		dst.put(schema);
214 		dst.put(":");
215 		switch(schema){
216 			default: break;
217 			case "file":
218 			case "http":
219 			case "https":
220 			case "ftp":
221 			case "spdy":
222 			case "sftp":
223 				dst.put("//");
224 				break;
225 		}
226 		dst.put(host);
227 		if( m_port > 0 ) formattedWrite(dst, ":%d", m_port);
228 		dst.put(localURI);
229 		return dst.data;
230 	}
232 	bool startsWith(const Url rhs) const {
233 		if( m_schema != rhs.m_schema ) return false;
234 		if( m_host != rhs.m_host ) return false;
235 		// FIXME: also consider user, port, querystring, anchor etc
236 		return path.startsWith(rhs.m_path);
237 	}
239 	Url opBinary(string OP)(Path rhs) const if( OP == "~" ) { return Url(m_schema, m_host, m_port, m_path ~ rhs); }
240 	Url opBinary(string OP)(PathEntry rhs) const if( OP == "~" ) { return Url(m_schema, m_host, m_port, m_path ~ rhs); }
241 	void opOpAssign(string OP)(Path rhs) if( OP == "~" ) { m_path ~= rhs; }
242 	void opOpAssign(string OP)(PathEntry rhs) if( OP == "~" ) { m_path ~= rhs; }
244 	/// Tests two URLs for equality using '=='.
245 	bool opEquals(ref const Url rhs) const {
246 		if( m_schema != rhs.m_schema ) return false;
247 		if( m_host != rhs.m_host ) return false;
248 		if( m_path != rhs.m_path ) return false;
249 		return true;
250 	}
251 	/// ditto
252 	bool opEquals(const Url other) const { return opEquals(other); }
254 	int opCmp(ref const Url rhs) const {
255 		if( m_schema != rhs.m_schema ) return m_schema.cmp(rhs.m_schema);
256 		if( m_host != rhs.m_host ) return m_host.cmp(rhs.m_host);
257 		if( m_path != rhs.m_path ) return m_path.opCmp(rhs.m_path);
258 		return true;
259 	}
260 }
262 unittest {
263 	auto url = Url.parse("https://www.example.net/index.html");
264 	assert(url.schema == "https", url.schema);
265 	assert(url.host == "www.example.net", url.host);
266 	assert(url.path == Path("/index.html"), url.path.toString());
268 	url = Url.parse("http://jo.doe:password@sub.www.example.net:4711/sub2/index.html?query#anchor");
269 	assert(url.schema == "http", url.schema);
270 	assert(url.username == "jo.doe", url.username);
271 	assert(url.password == "password", url.password);
272 	assert(url.port == 4711, to!string(url.port));
273 	assert(url.host == "sub.www.example.net", url.host);
274 	assert(url.path.toString() == "/sub2/index.html", url.path.toString());
275 	assert(url.queryString == "query", url.queryString);
276 	assert(url.anchor == "anchor", url.anchor);
277 }