1 /**
2 	Compiler settings and abstraction.
4 	Copyright: © 2013-2014 rejectedsoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.compilers.compiler;
10 public import dub.compilers.buildsettings;
12 import dub.compilers.dmd;
13 import dub.compilers.gdc;
14 import dub.compilers.ldc;
15 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
16 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
17 import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
18 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
20 import std.algorithm;
21 import std.array;
22 import std.conv;
23 import std.exception;
24 import std.process;
27 static this()
28 {
29 	registerCompiler(new DmdCompiler);
30 	registerCompiler(new GdcCompiler);
31 	registerCompiler(new LdcCompiler);
32 }
34 Compiler getCompiler(string name)
35 {
36 	foreach (c; s_compilers)
37 		if (c.name == name)
38 			return c;
40 	// try to match names like gdmd or gdc-2.61
41 	if (name.canFind("dmd")) return getCompiler("dmd");
42 	if (name.canFind("gdc")) return getCompiler("gdc");
43 	if (name.canFind("ldc")) return getCompiler("ldc");
45 	throw new Exception("Unknown compiler: "~name);
46 }
48 string defaultCompiler()
49 {
50 	static string name;
51 	if (!name.length) name = findCompiler();
52 	return name;
53 }
55 private string findCompiler()
56 {
57 	import std.process : env=environment;
58 	import dub.version_ : initialCompilerBinary;
59 	version (Windows) enum sep = ";", exe = ".exe";
60 	version (Posix) enum sep = ":", exe = "";
62 	auto def = Path(initialCompilerBinary);
63 	if (def.absolute && existsFile(def))
64 		return initialCompilerBinary;
66 	auto compilers = ["dmd", "gdc", "gdmd", "ldc2", "ldmd2"];
67 	if (!def.absolute)
68 		compilers = initialCompilerBinary ~ compilers;
70 	auto paths = env.get("PATH", "").splitter(sep).map!Path;
71 	auto res = compilers.find!(bin => paths.canFind!(p => existsFile(p ~ (bin~exe))));
72 	return res.empty ? initialCompilerBinary : res.front;
73 }
75 void registerCompiler(Compiler c)
76 {
77 	s_compilers ~= c;
78 }
80 void warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags(string[] compiler_flags, BuildOptions options, string package_name, string config_name)
81 {
82 	struct SpecialFlag {
83 		string[] flags;
84 		string alternative;
85 	}
86 	static immutable SpecialFlag[] s_specialFlags = [
87 		{["-c", "-o-"], "Automatically issued by DUB, do not specify in dub.json"},
88 		{["-w", "-Wall", "-Werr"], `Use "buildRequirements" to control warning behavior`},
89 		{["-property", "-fproperty"], "Using this flag may break building of dependencies and it will probably be removed from DMD in the future"},
90 		{["-wi"], `Use the "buildRequirements" field to control warning behavior`},
91 		{["-d", "-de", "-dw"], `Use the "buildRequirements" field to control deprecation behavior`},
92 		{["-of"], `Use "targetPath" and "targetName" to customize the output file`},
93 		{["-debug", "-fdebug", "-g"], "Call dub with --build=debug"},
94 		{["-release", "-frelease", "-O", "-inline"], "Call dub with --build=release"},
95 		{["-unittest", "-funittest"], "Call dub with --build=unittest"},
96 		{["-lib"], `Use {"targetType": "staticLibrary"} or let dub manage this`},
97 		{["-D"], "Call dub with --build=docs or --build=ddox"},
98 		{["-X"], "Call dub with --build=ddox"},
99 		{["-cov"], "Call dub with --build=cov or --build=unittest-cov"},
100 		{["-profile"], "Call dub with --build=profile"},
101 		{["-version="], `Use "versions" to specify version constants in a compiler independent way`},
102 		{["-debug="], `Use "debugVersions" to specify version constants in a compiler independent way`},
103 		{["-I"], `Use "importPaths" to specify import paths in a compiler independent way`},
104 		{["-J"], `Use "stringImportPaths" to specify import paths in a compiler independent way`},
105 		{["-m32", "-m64"], `Use --arch=x86/--arch=x86_64 to specify the target architecture`}
106 	];
108 	struct SpecialOption {
109 		BuildOptions[] flags;
110 		string alternative;
111 	}
112 	static immutable SpecialOption[] s_specialOptions = [
113 		{[BuildOptions.debugMode], "Call DUB with --build=debug"},
114 		{[BuildOptions.releaseMode], "Call DUB with --build=release"},
115 		{[BuildOptions.coverage], "Call DUB with --build=cov or --build=unittest-cov"},
116 		{[BuildOptions.debugInfo], "Call DUB with --build=debug"},
117 		{[BuildOptions.inline], "Call DUB with --build=release"},
118 		{[BuildOptions.noBoundsCheck], "Call DUB with --build=release-nobounds"},
119 		{[BuildOptions.optimize], "Call DUB with --build=release"},
120 		{[BuildOptions.profile], "Call DUB with --build=profile"},
121 		{[BuildOptions.unittests], "Call DUB with --build=unittest"},
122 		{[BuildOptions.warnings, BuildOptions.warningsAsErrors], "Use \"buildRequirements\" to control the warning level"},
123 		{[BuildOptions.ignoreDeprecations, BuildOptions.deprecationWarnings, BuildOptions.deprecationErrors], "Use \"buildRequirements\" to control the deprecation warning level"},
124 		{[BuildOptions.property], "This flag is deprecated and has no effect"}
125 	];
127 	bool got_preamble = false;
128 	void outputPreamble()
129 	{
130 		if (got_preamble) return;
131 		got_preamble = true;
132 		logWarn("");
133 		if (config_name.empty) logWarn("## Warning for package %s ##", package_name);
134 		else logWarn("## Warning for package %s, configuration %s ##", package_name, config_name);
135 		logWarn("");
136 		logWarn("The following compiler flags have been specified in the package description");
137 		logWarn("file. They are handled by DUB and direct use in packages is discouraged.");
138 		logWarn("Alternatively, you can set the DFLAGS environment variable to pass custom flags");
139 		logWarn("to the compiler, or use one of the suggestions below:");
140 		logWarn("");
141 	}
143 	foreach (f; compiler_flags) {
144 		foreach (sf; s_specialFlags) {
145 			if (sf.flags.any!(sff => f == sff || (sff.endsWith("=") && f.startsWith(sff)))) {
146 				outputPreamble();
147 				logWarn("%s: %s", f, sf.alternative);
148 				break;
149 			}
150 		}
151 	}
153 	foreach (sf; s_specialOptions) {
154 		foreach (f; sf.flags) {
155 			if (options & f) {
156 				outputPreamble();
157 				logWarn("%s: %s", f, sf.alternative);
158 				break;
159 			}
160 		}
161 	}
163 	if (got_preamble) logWarn("");
164 }
167 /**
168 	Alters the build options to comply with the specified build requirements.
169 */
170 void enforceBuildRequirements(ref BuildSettings settings)
171 {
172 	settings.addOptions(BuildOptions.warningsAsErrors);
173 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.allowWarnings) { settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.warningsAsErrors; settings.options |= BuildOptions.warnings; }
174 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.silenceWarnings) settings.options &= ~(BuildOptions.warningsAsErrors|BuildOptions.warnings);
175 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.disallowDeprecations) { settings.options &= ~(BuildOptions.ignoreDeprecations|BuildOptions.deprecationWarnings); settings.options |= BuildOptions.deprecationErrors; }
176 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.silenceDeprecations) { settings.options &= ~(BuildOptions.deprecationErrors|BuildOptions.deprecationWarnings); settings.options |= BuildOptions.ignoreDeprecations; }
177 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.disallowInlining) settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.inline;
178 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.disallowOptimization) settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.optimize;
179 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.requireBoundsCheck) settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.noBoundsCheck;
180 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.requireContracts) settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.releaseMode;
181 	if (settings.requirements & BuildRequirements.relaxProperties) settings.options &= ~BuildOptions.property;
182 }
185 /**
186 	Replaces each referenced import library by the appropriate linker flags.
188 	This function tries to invoke "pkg-config" if possible and falls back to
189 	direct flag translation if that fails.
190 */
191 void resolveLibs(ref BuildSettings settings)
192 {
193 	import std.string : format;
195 	if (settings.libs.length == 0) return;
197 	if (settings.targetType == TargetType.library || settings.targetType == TargetType.staticLibrary) {
198 		logDiagnostic("Ignoring all import libraries for static library build.");
199 		settings.libs = null;
200 		version(Windows) settings.sourceFiles = settings.sourceFiles.filter!(f => !f.endsWith(".lib")).array;
201 	}
203 	version (Posix) {
204 		try {
205 			enum pkgconfig_bin = "pkg-config";
206 			string[] pkgconfig_libs;
207 			foreach (lib; settings.libs)
208 				if (execute([pkgconfig_bin, "--exists", "lib"~lib]).status == 0)
209 					pkgconfig_libs ~= lib;
211 			logDiagnostic("Using pkg-config to resolve library flags for %s.", pkgconfig_libs.map!(l => "lib"~l).array.join(", "));
213 			if (pkgconfig_libs.length) {
214 				auto libflags = execute([pkgconfig_bin, "--libs"] ~ pkgconfig_libs.map!(l => "lib"~l)().array());
215 				enforce(libflags.status == 0, format("pkg-config exited with error code %s: %s", libflags.status, libflags.output));
216 				foreach (f; libflags.output.split()) {
217 					if (f.startsWith("-Wl,")) settings.addLFlags(f[4 .. $].split(","));
218 					else settings.addLFlags(f);
219 				}
220 				settings.libs = settings.libs.filter!(l => !pkgconfig_libs.canFind(l)).array;
221 			}
222 			if (settings.libs.length) logDiagnostic("Using direct -l... flags for %s.", settings.libs.array.join(", "));
223 		} catch (Exception e) {
224 			logDiagnostic("pkg-config failed: %s", e.msg);
225 			logDiagnostic("Falling back to direct -l... flags.");
226 		}
227 	}
228 }
231 interface Compiler {
232 	@property string name() const;
234 	BuildPlatform determinePlatform(ref BuildSettings settings, string compiler_binary, string arch_override = null);
236 	/// Replaces high level fields with low level fields and converts
237 	/// dmd flags to compiler-specific flags
238 	void prepareBuildSettings(ref BuildSettings settings, BuildSetting supported_fields = BuildSetting.all) const;
240 	/// Removes any dflags that match one of the BuildOptions values and populates the BuildSettings.options field.
241 	void extractBuildOptions(ref BuildSettings settings) const;
243 	/// Adds the appropriate flag to set a target path
244 	void setTarget(ref BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string targetPath = null) const;
246 	/// Invokes the compiler using the given flags
247 	void invoke(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, void delegate(int, string) output_callback);
249 	/// Invokes the underlying linker directly
250 	void invokeLinker(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string[] objects, void delegate(int, string) output_callback);
252 	protected final void invokeTool(string[] args, void delegate(int, string) output_callback)
253 	{
254 		import std.string;
256 		int status;
257 		if (output_callback) {
258 			auto result = executeShell(escapeShellCommand(args));
259 			output_callback(result.status, result.output);
260 			status = result.status;
261 		} else {
262 			auto compiler_pid = spawnShell(escapeShellCommand(args));
263 			status = compiler_pid.wait();
264 		}
266 		version (Posix) if (status == -9) {
267 			throw new Exception(format("%s failed with exit code %s. This may indicate that the process has run out of memory.",
268 				args[0], status));
269 		}
270 		enforce(status == 0, format("%s failed with exit code %s.", args[0], status));
271 	}
272 }
275 /// Represents a platform a package can be build upon.
276 struct BuildPlatform {
277 	/// e.g. ["posix", "windows"]
278 	string[] platform;
279 	/// e.g. ["x86", "x86_64"]
280 	string[] architecture;
281 	/// Canonical compiler name e.g. "dmd"
282 	string compiler;
283 	/// Compiler binary name e.g. "ldmd2"
284 	string compilerBinary;
285 	/// Compiled frontend version (e.g. 2065)
286 	int frontendVersion;
288 	enum any = BuildPlatform(null, null, null, null, -1);
290 	/// Build platforms can be specified via a string specification.
291 	///
292 	/// Specifications are build upon the following scheme, where each component
293 	/// is optional (indicated by []), but the order is obligatory.
294 	/// "[-platform][-architecture][-compiler]"
295 	///
296 	/// So the following strings are valid specifications:
297 	/// "-windows-x86-dmd"
298 	/// "-dmd"
299 	/// "-arm"
300 	/// "-arm-dmd"
301 	/// "-windows-dmd"
302 	///
303 	/// Params:
304 	///     specification = The specification being matched. It must be the empty string or start with a dash.
305 	///
306 	/// Returns:
307 	///     true if the given specification matches this BuildPlatform, false otherwise. (The empty string matches)
308 	///
309 	bool matchesSpecification(const(char)[] specification)
310 	const {
311 		if (specification.empty) return true;
312 		if (this == any) return true;
314 		auto splitted=specification.splitter('-');
315 		assert(!splitted.empty, "No valid platform specification! The leading hyphen is required!");
316 		splitted.popFront(); // Drop leading empty match.
317 		enforce(!splitted.empty, "Platform specification if present, must not be empty!");
318 		if (platform.canFind(splitted.front)) {
319 			splitted.popFront();
320 			if(splitted.empty)
321 				return true;
322 		}
323 		if (architecture.canFind(splitted.front)) {
324 			splitted.popFront();
325 			if(splitted.empty)
326 				return true;
327 		}
328 		if (compiler == splitted.front) {
329 			splitted.popFront();
330 			enforce(splitted.empty, "No valid specification! The compiler has to be the last element!");
331 			return true;
332 		}
333 		return false;
334 	}
335 	unittest {
336 		auto platform=BuildPlatform(["posix", "linux"], ["x86_64"], "dmd");
337 		assert(platform.matchesSpecification("-posix"));
338 		assert(platform.matchesSpecification("-linux"));
339 		assert(platform.matchesSpecification("-linux-dmd"));
340 		assert(platform.matchesSpecification("-linux-x86_64-dmd"));
341 		assert(platform.matchesSpecification("-x86_64"));
342 		assert(!platform.matchesSpecification("-windows"));
343 		assert(!platform.matchesSpecification("-ldc"));
344 		assert(!platform.matchesSpecification("-windows-dmd"));
345 	}
346 }
349 string getTargetFileName(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform)
350 {
351 	assert(settings.targetName.length > 0, "No target name set.");
352 	final switch (settings.targetType) {
353 		case TargetType.autodetect: assert(false, "Configurations must have a concrete target type.");
354 		case TargetType.none: return null;
355 		case TargetType.sourceLibrary: return null;
356 		case TargetType.executable:
357 			if( platform.platform.canFind("windows") )
358 				return settings.targetName ~ ".exe";
359 			else return settings.targetName;
360 		case TargetType.library:
361 		case TargetType.staticLibrary:
362 			if (platform.platform.canFind("windows") && platform.compiler == "dmd")
363 				return settings.targetName ~ ".lib";
364 			else return "lib" ~ settings.targetName ~ ".a";
365 		case TargetType.dynamicLibrary:
366 			if( platform.platform.canFind("windows") )
367 				return settings.targetName ~ ".dll";
368 			else return "lib" ~ settings.targetName ~ ".so";
369 		case TargetType.object:
370 			if (platform.platform.canFind("windows"))
371 				return settings.targetName ~ ".obj";
372 			else return settings.targetName ~ ".o";
373 	}
374 }
377 bool isLinkerFile(string f)
378 {
379 	import std.path;
380 	switch (extension(f)) {
381 		default:
382 			return false;
383 		version (Windows) {
384 			case ".lib", ".obj", ".res", ".def":
385 				return true;
386 		} else {
387 			case ".a", ".o", ".so", ".dylib":
388 				return true;
389 		}
390 	}
391 }
393 /// Generate a file that will give, at compile time, informations about the compiler (architecture, frontend version...)
394 Path generatePlatformProbeFile()
395 {
396 	import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
397 	import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
398 	import dub.internal.utils;
400 	auto path = getTempFile("dub_platform_probe", ".d");
402 	auto fil = openFile(path, FileMode.CreateTrunc);
403 	scope (failure) {
404 		fil.close();
405 	}
407 	fil.write(q{
408 		module dub_platform_probe;
410 		template toString(int v) { enum toString = v.stringof; }
412 		pragma(msg, `{`);
413 		pragma(msg,`  "compiler": "`~ determineCompiler() ~ `",`);
414 		pragma(msg, `  "frontendVersion": ` ~ toString!__VERSION__ ~ `,`);
415 		pragma(msg, `  "compilerVendor": "` ~ __VENDOR__ ~ `",`);
416 		pragma(msg, `  "platform": [`);
417 		pragma(msg, `    ` ~ determinePlatform());
418 		pragma(msg, `  ],`);
419 		pragma(msg, `  "architecture": [`);
420 		pragma(msg, `    ` ~ determineArchitecture());
421 		pragma(msg, `   ],`);
422 		pragma(msg, `}`);
424 		string determinePlatform()
425 		{
426 			string ret;
427 			version(Windows) ret ~= `"windows", `;
428 			version(linux) ret ~= `"linux", `;
429 			version(Posix) ret ~= `"posix", `;
430 			version(OSX) ret ~= `"osx", `;
431 			version(FreeBSD) ret ~= `"freebsd", `;
432 			version(OpenBSD) ret ~= `"openbsd", `;
433 			version(NetBSD) ret ~= `"netbsd", `;
434 			version(DragonFlyBSD) ret ~= `"dragonflybsd", `;
435 			version(BSD) ret ~= `"bsd", `;
436 			version(Solaris) ret ~= `"solaris", `;
437 			version(AIX) ret ~= `"aix", `;
438 			version(Haiku) ret ~= `"haiku", `;
439 			version(SkyOS) ret ~= `"skyos", `;
440 			version(SysV3) ret ~= `"sysv3", `;
441 			version(SysV4) ret ~= `"sysv4", `;
442 			version(Hurd) ret ~= `"hurd", `;
443 			version(Android) ret ~= `"android", `;
444 			version(Cygwin) ret ~= `"cygwin", `;
445 			version(MinGW) ret ~= `"mingw", `;
446 			return ret;
447 		}
449 		string determineArchitecture()
450 		{
451 			string ret;
452 			version(X86) ret ~= `"x86", `;
453 			version(X86_64) ret ~= `"x86_64", `;
454 			version(ARM) ret ~= `"arm", `;
455 			version(ARM_Thumb) ret ~= `"arm_thumb", `;
456 			version(ARM_SoftFloat) ret ~= `"arm_softfloat", `;
457 			version(ARM_HardFloat) ret ~= `"arm_hardfloat", `;
458 			version(ARM64) ret ~= `"arm64", `;
459 			version(PPC) ret ~= `"ppc", `;
460 			version(PPC_SoftFP) ret ~= `"ppc_softfp", `;
461 			version(PPC_HardFP) ret ~= `"ppc_hardfp", `;
462 			version(PPC64) ret ~= `"ppc64", `;
463 			version(IA64) ret ~= `"ia64", `;
464 			version(MIPS) ret ~= `"mips", `;
465 			version(MIPS32) ret ~= `"mips32", `;
466 			version(MIPS64) ret ~= `"mips64", `;
467 			version(MIPS_O32) ret ~= `"mips_o32", `;
468 			version(MIPS_N32) ret ~= `"mips_n32", `;
469 			version(MIPS_O64) ret ~= `"mips_o64", `;
470 			version(MIPS_N64) ret ~= `"mips_n64", `;
471 			version(MIPS_EABI) ret ~= `"mips_eabi", `;
472 			version(MIPS_NoFloat) ret ~= `"mips_nofloat", `;
473 			version(MIPS_SoftFloat) ret ~= `"mips_softfloat", `;
474 			version(MIPS_HardFloat) ret ~= `"mips_hardfloat", `;
475 			version(SPARC) ret ~= `"sparc", `;
476 			version(SPARC_V8Plus) ret ~= `"sparc_v8plus", `;
477 			version(SPARC_SoftFP) ret ~= `"sparc_softfp", `;
478 			version(SPARC_HardFP) ret ~= `"sparc_hardfp", `;
479 			version(SPARC64) ret ~= `"sparc64", `;
480 			version(S390) ret ~= `"s390", `;
481 			version(S390X) ret ~= `"s390x", `;
482 			version(HPPA) ret ~= `"hppa", `;
483 			version(HPPA64) ret ~= `"hppa64", `;
484 			version(SH) ret ~= `"sh", `;
485 			version(SH64) ret ~= `"sh64", `;
486 			version(Alpha) ret ~= `"alpha", `;
487 			version(Alpha_SoftFP) ret ~= `"alpha_softfp", `;
488 			version(Alpha_HardFP) ret ~= `"alpha_hardfp", `;
489 			return ret;
490 		}
492 		string determineCompiler()
493 		{
494 			version(DigitalMars) return "dmd";
495 			else version(GNU) return "gdc";
496 			else version(LDC) return "ldc";
497 			else version(SDC) return "sdc";
498 			else return null;
499 		}
500 	});
502 	fil.close();
504 	return path;
505 }
507 BuildPlatform readPlatformProbe(string output)
508 {
509 	import std.string;
511 	// work around possible additional output of the compiler
512 	auto idx1 = output.indexOf("{");
513 	auto idx2 = output.lastIndexOf("}");
514 	enforce(idx1 >= 0 && idx1 < idx2,
515 		"Unexpected platform information output - does not contain a JSON object.");
516 	output = output[idx1 .. idx2+1];
518 	import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
519 	auto json = parseJsonString(output);
521 	BuildPlatform build_platform;
522 	build_platform.platform = json.platform.get!(Json[]).map!(e => e.get!string()).array();
523 	build_platform.architecture = json.architecture.get!(Json[]).map!(e => e.get!string()).array();
524 	build_platform.compiler = json.compiler.get!string;
525 	build_platform.frontendVersion = json.frontendVersion.get!int;
526 	return build_platform;
527 }
529 private {
530 	Compiler[] s_compilers;
531 }