1 /**
2 	A package manager.
4 	Copyright: © 2012-2013 Matthias Dondorff
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Matthias Dondorff, Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.dub;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.dependency;
12 import dub.dependencyresolver;
13 import dub.internal.utils;
14 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
15 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
16 import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
17 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.url;
18 import dub.package_;
19 import dub.packagemanager;
20 import dub.packagesupplier;
21 import dub.project;
22 import dub.generators.generator;
23 import dub.init;
26 // todo: cleanup imports.
27 import std.algorithm;
28 import std.array;
29 import std.conv;
30 import std.datetime;
31 import std.exception;
32 import std.file;
33 import std.process;
34 import std.string;
35 import std.typecons;
36 import std.zip;
37 import std.encoding : sanitize;
39 // Workaround for libcurl liker errors when building with LDC
40 version (LDC) pragma(lib, "curl");
43 /// The default supplier for packages, which is the registry
44 /// hosted by code.dlang.org.
45 PackageSupplier[] defaultPackageSuppliers()
46 {
47 	URL url = URL.parse("http://code.dlang.org/");
48 	logDiagnostic("Using dub registry url '%s'", url);
49 	return [new RegistryPackageSupplier(url)];
50 }
52 /// Option flags for fetch
53 enum FetchOptions
54 {
55 	none = 0,
56 	forceBranchUpgrade = 1<<0,
57 	usePrerelease = 1<<1,
58 	forceRemove = 1<<2,
59 	printOnly = 1<<3,
60 }
62 /// The Dub class helps in getting the applications
63 /// dependencies up and running. An instance manages one application.
64 class Dub {
65 	private {
66 		bool m_dryRun = false;
67 		PackageManager m_packageManager;
68 		PackageSupplier[] m_packageSuppliers;
69 		Path m_rootPath;
70 		Path m_tempPath;
71 		Path m_userDubPath, m_systemDubPath;
72 		Json m_systemConfig, m_userConfig;
73 		Path m_projectPath;
74 		Project m_project;
75 		Path m_overrideSearchPath;
76 	}
78 	/// Initiales the package manager for the vibe application
79 	/// under root.
80 	this(PackageSupplier[] additional_package_suppliers = null, string root_path = ".")
81 	{
82 		m_rootPath = Path(root_path);
83 		if (!m_rootPath.absolute) m_rootPath = Path(getcwd()) ~ m_rootPath;
85 		version(Windows){
86 			m_systemDubPath = Path(environment.get("ProgramData")) ~ "dub/";
87 			m_userDubPath = Path(environment.get("APPDATA")) ~ "dub/";
88 			m_tempPath = Path(environment.get("TEMP"));
89 		} else version(Posix){
90 			m_systemDubPath = Path("/var/lib/dub/");
91 			m_userDubPath = Path(environment.get("HOME")) ~ ".dub/";
92 			if(!m_userDubPath.absolute)
93 				m_userDubPath = Path(getcwd()) ~ m_userDubPath;
94 			m_tempPath = Path("/tmp");
95 		}
97 		m_userConfig = jsonFromFile(m_userDubPath ~ "settings.json", true);
98 		m_systemConfig = jsonFromFile(m_systemDubPath ~ "settings.json", true);
100 		PackageSupplier[] ps = additional_package_suppliers;
101 		if (auto pp = "registryUrls" in m_userConfig)
102 			ps ~= deserializeJson!(string[])(*pp)
103 				.map!(url => cast(PackageSupplier)new RegistryPackageSupplier(URL(url)))
104 				.array;
105 		if (auto pp = "registryUrls" in m_systemConfig)
106 			ps ~= deserializeJson!(string[])(*pp)
107 				.map!(url => cast(PackageSupplier)new RegistryPackageSupplier(URL(url)))
108 				.array;
109 		ps ~= defaultPackageSuppliers();
111 		auto cacheDir = m_userDubPath ~ "cache/";
112 		foreach (p; ps)
113 			p.cacheOp(cacheDir, CacheOp.load);
115 		m_packageSuppliers = ps;
116 		m_packageManager = new PackageManager(m_userDubPath, m_systemDubPath);
117 		updatePackageSearchPath();
118 	}
120 	/// Initializes DUB with only a single search path
121 	this(Path override_path)
122 	{
123 		m_overrideSearchPath = override_path;
124 		m_packageManager = new PackageManager(Path(), Path(), false);
125 		updatePackageSearchPath();
126 	}
128 	/// Perform cleanup and persist caches to disk
129 	void shutdown()
130 	{
131 		auto cacheDir = m_userDubPath ~ "cache/";
132 		foreach (p; m_packageSuppliers)
133 			p.cacheOp(cacheDir, CacheOp.store);
134 	}
136 	/// cleans all metadata caches
137 	void cleanCaches()
138 	{
139 		auto cacheDir = m_userDubPath ~ "cache/";
140 		foreach (p; m_packageSuppliers)
141 			p.cacheOp(cacheDir, CacheOp.clean);
142 	}
144 	@property void dryRun(bool v) { m_dryRun = v; }
146 	/** Returns the root path (usually the current working directory).
147 	*/
148 	@property Path rootPath() const { return m_rootPath; }
149 	/// ditto
150 	@property void rootPath(Path root_path)
151 	{
152 		m_rootPath = root_path;
153 		if (!m_rootPath.absolute) m_rootPath = Path(getcwd()) ~ m_rootPath;
154 	}
156 	/// Returns the name listed in the dub.json of the current
157 	/// application.
158 	@property string projectName() const { return m_project.name; }
160 	@property Path projectPath() const { return m_projectPath; }
162 	@property string[] configurations() const { return m_project.configurations; }
164 	@property inout(PackageManager) packageManager() inout { return m_packageManager; }
166 	@property inout(Project) project() inout { return m_project; }
168 	/// Loads the package from the current working directory as the main
169 	/// project package.
170 	void loadPackageFromCwd()
171 	{
172 		loadPackage(m_rootPath);
173 	}
175 	/// Loads the package from the specified path as the main project package.
176 	void loadPackage(Path path)
177 	{
178 		m_projectPath = path;
179 		updatePackageSearchPath();
180 		m_project = new Project(m_packageManager, m_projectPath);
181 	}
183 	/// Loads a specific package as the main project package (can be a sub package)
184 	void loadPackage(Package pack)
185 	{
186 		m_projectPath = pack.path;
187 		updatePackageSearchPath();
188 		m_project = new Project(m_packageManager, pack);
189 	}
191 	void overrideSearchPath(Path path)
192 	{
193 		if (!path.absolute) path = Path(getcwd()) ~ path;
194 		m_overrideSearchPath = path;
195 		updatePackageSearchPath();
196 	}
198 	string getDefaultConfiguration(BuildPlatform platform, bool allow_non_library_configs = true) const { return m_project.getDefaultConfiguration(platform, allow_non_library_configs); }
200 	void upgrade(UpgradeOptions options)
201 	{
202 		// clear non-existent version selections
203 		if (!(options & UpgradeOptions.upgrade)) {
204 			next_pack:
205 			foreach (p; m_project.selections.selectedPackages) {
206 				auto dep = m_project.selections.getSelectedVersion(p);
207 				if (!dep.path.empty) {
208 					if (m_packageManager.getOrLoadPackage(dep.path)) continue;
209 				} else {
210 					if (m_packageManager.getPackage(p, dep.version_)) continue;
211 					foreach (ps; m_packageSuppliers) {
212 						try {
213 							auto versions = ps.getVersions(p);
214 							if (versions.canFind!(v => dep.matches(v)))
215 								continue next_pack;
216 						} catch (Exception e) {
217 							logDiagnostic("Error querying versions for %s, %s: %s", p, ps.description, e.msg);
218 							logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
219 						}
220 					}
221 				}
223 				logWarn("Selected package %s %s doesn't exist. Using latest matching version instead.", p, dep);
224 				m_project.selections.deselectVersion(p);
225 			}
226 		}
228 		Dependency[string] versions;
229 		if ((options & UpgradeOptions.useCachedResult) && m_project.isUpgradeCacheUpToDate()) {
230 			logDiagnostic("Using cached upgrade results...");
231 			versions = m_project.getUpgradeCache();
232 		} else {
233 			auto resolver = new DependencyVersionResolver(this, options);
234 			versions = resolver.resolve(m_project.rootPackage, m_project.selections);
235 			if (options & UpgradeOptions.useCachedResult) {
236 				logDiagnostic("Caching upgrade results...");
237 				m_project.setUpgradeCache(versions);
238 			}
239 		}
241 		if (options & UpgradeOptions.printUpgradesOnly) {
242 			bool any = false;
243 			string rootbasename = getBasePackageName(m_project.rootPackage.name);
245 			foreach (p, ver; versions) {
246 				if (!ver.path.empty) continue;
248 				auto basename = getBasePackageName(p);
249 				if (basename == rootbasename) continue;
251 				if (!m_project.selections.hasSelectedVersion(basename)) {
252 					logInfo("Package %s can be installed with version %s.",
253 						basename, ver);
254 					any = true;
255 					continue;
256 				}
257 				auto sver = m_project.selections.getSelectedVersion(basename);
258 				if (!sver.path.empty) continue;
259 				if (ver.version_ <= sver.version_) continue;
260 				logInfo("Package %s can be upgraded from %s to %s.",
261 					basename, sver, ver);
262 				any = true;
263 			}
264 			if (any) logInfo("Use \"dub upgrade\" to perform those changes.");
265 			return;
266 		}
268 		foreach (p, ver; versions) {
269 			assert(!p.canFind(":"), "Resolved packages contain a sub package!?: "~p);
270 			Package pack;
271 			if (!ver.path.empty) pack = m_packageManager.getOrLoadPackage(ver.path);
272 			else {
273 				pack = m_packageManager.getBestPackage(p, ver);
274 				if (pack && m_packageManager.isManagedPackage(pack)
275 					&& ver.version_.isBranch && (options & UpgradeOptions.upgrade) != 0)
276 				{
277 					// TODO: only re-install if there is actually a new commit available
278 					logInfo("Re-installing branch based dependency %s %s", p, ver.toString());
279 					m_packageManager.remove(pack, (options & UpgradeOptions.forceRemove) != 0);
280 					pack = null;
281 				}
282 			}
284 			FetchOptions fetchOpts;
285 			fetchOpts |= (options & UpgradeOptions.preRelease) != 0 ? FetchOptions.usePrerelease : FetchOptions.none;
286 			fetchOpts |= (options & UpgradeOptions.forceRemove) != 0 ? FetchOptions.forceRemove : FetchOptions.none;
287 			if (!pack) fetch(p, ver, defaultPlacementLocation, fetchOpts, "getting selected version");
288 			if ((options & UpgradeOptions.select) && ver.path.empty && p != m_project.rootPackage.name)
289 				m_project.selections.selectVersion(p, ver.version_);
290 		}
292 		m_project.reinit();
294 		if (options & UpgradeOptions.select)
295 			m_project.saveSelections();
296 	}
298 	/// Generate project files for a specified IDE.
299 	/// Any existing project files will be overridden.
300 	void generateProject(string ide, GeneratorSettings settings) {
301 		auto generator = createProjectGenerator(ide, m_project);
302 		if (m_dryRun) return; // TODO: pass m_dryRun to the generator
303 		generator.generate(settings);
304 	}
306 	/// Executes tests on the current project. Throws an exception, if
307 	/// unittests failed.
308 	void testProject(GeneratorSettings settings, string config, Path custom_main_file)
309 	{
310 		if (custom_main_file.length && !custom_main_file.absolute) custom_main_file = getWorkingDirectory() ~ custom_main_file;
312 		if (config.length == 0) {
313 			// if a custom main file was given, favor the first library configuration, so that it can be applied
314 			if (custom_main_file.length) config = m_project.getDefaultConfiguration(settings.platform, false);
315 			// else look for a "unittest" configuration
316 			if (!config.length && m_project.rootPackage.configurations.canFind("unittest")) config = "unittest";
317 			// if not found, fall back to the first "library" configuration
318 			if (!config.length) config = m_project.getDefaultConfiguration(settings.platform, false);
319 			// if still nothing found, use the first executable configuration
320 			if (!config.length) config = m_project.getDefaultConfiguration(settings.platform, true);
321 		}
323 		auto generator = createProjectGenerator("build", m_project);
325 		auto test_config = format("__test__%s__", config);
327 		BuildSettings lbuildsettings = settings.buildSettings;
328 		m_project.addBuildSettings(lbuildsettings, settings.platform, config, null, true);
329 		if (lbuildsettings.targetType == TargetType.none) {
330 			logInfo(`Configuration '%s' has target type "none". Skipping test.`, config);
331 			return;
332 		}
334 		if (lbuildsettings.targetType == TargetType.executable) {
335 			if (config == "unittest") logInfo("Running custom 'unittest' configuration.", config);
336 			else logInfo(`Configuration '%s' does not output a library. Falling back to "dub -b unittest -c %s".`, config, config);
337 			if (!custom_main_file.empty) logWarn("Ignoring custom main file.");
338 			settings.config = config;
339 		} else if (lbuildsettings.sourceFiles.empty) {
340 			logInfo(`No source files found in configuration '%s'. Falling back to "dub -b unittest".`, config);
341 			if (!custom_main_file.empty) logWarn("Ignoring custom main file.");
342 			settings.config = m_project.getDefaultConfiguration(settings.platform);
343 		} else {
344 			logInfo(`Generating test runner configuration '%s' for '%s' (%s).`, test_config, config, lbuildsettings.targetType);
346 			BuildSettingsTemplate tcinfo = m_project.rootPackage.info.getConfiguration(config).buildSettings;
347 			tcinfo.targetType = TargetType.executable;
348 			tcinfo.targetName = test_config;
349 			tcinfo.versions[""] ~= "VibeCustomMain"; // HACK for vibe.d's legacy main() behavior
350 			string custommodname;
351 			if (custom_main_file.length) {
352 				import std.path;
353 				tcinfo.sourceFiles[""] ~= custom_main_file.relativeTo(m_project.rootPackage.path).toNativeString();
354 				tcinfo.importPaths[""] ~= custom_main_file.parentPath.toNativeString();
355 				custommodname = custom_main_file.head.toString().baseName(".d");
356 			}
358 			string[] import_modules;
359 			foreach (file; lbuildsettings.sourceFiles) {
360 				if (file.endsWith(".d") && Path(file).head.toString() != "package.d")
361 					import_modules ~= lbuildsettings.determineModuleName(Path(file), m_project.rootPackage.path);
362 			}
364 			// generate main file
365 			Path mainfile = getTempFile("dub_test_root", ".d");
366 			tcinfo.sourceFiles[""] ~= mainfile.toNativeString();
367 			tcinfo.mainSourceFile = mainfile.toNativeString();
368 			if (!m_dryRun) {
369 				auto fil = openFile(mainfile, FileMode.CreateTrunc);
370 				scope(exit) fil.close();
371 				fil.write("module dub_test_root;\n");
372 				fil.write("import std.typetuple;\n");
373 				foreach (mod; import_modules) fil.write(format("static import %s;\n", mod));
374 				fil.write("alias allModules = TypeTuple!(");
375 				foreach (i, mod; import_modules) {
376 					if (i > 0) fil.write(", ");
377 					fil.write(mod);
378 				}
379 				fil.write(");\n");
380 				if (custommodname.length) {
381 					fil.write(format("import %s;\n", custommodname));
382 				} else {
383 					fil.write(q{
384 						import std.stdio;
385 						import core.runtime;
387 						void main() { writeln("All unit tests have been run successfully."); }
388 						shared static this() {
389 							version (Have_tested) {
390 								import tested;
391 								import core.runtime;
392 								import std.exception;
393 								Runtime.moduleUnitTester = () => true;
394 								//runUnitTests!app(new JsonTestResultWriter("results.json"));
395 								enforce(runUnitTests!allModules(new ConsoleTestResultWriter), "Unit tests failed.");
396 							}
397 						}
398 					});
399 				}
400 			}
401 			m_project.rootPackage.info.configurations ~= ConfigurationInfo(test_config, tcinfo);
402 			m_project = new Project(m_packageManager, m_project.rootPackage);
404 			settings.config = test_config;
405 		}
407 		generator.generate(settings);
408 	}
410 	/// Outputs a JSON description of the project, including its dependencies.
411 	void describeProject(BuildPlatform platform, string config)
412 	{
413 		auto dst = Json.emptyObject;
414 		dst.configuration = config;
415 		dst.compiler = platform.compiler;
416 		dst.architecture = platform.architecture.serializeToJson();
417 		dst.platform = platform.platform.serializeToJson();
419 		m_project.describe(dst, platform, config);
421 		import std.stdio;
422 		write(dst.toPrettyString());
423 	}
425 	/// Cleans intermediate/cache files of the given package
426 	void cleanPackage(Path path)
427 	{
428 		logInfo("Cleaning package at %s...", path.toNativeString());
429 		enforce(!Package.findPackageFile(path).empty, "No package found.", path.toNativeString());
431 		// TODO: clear target files and copy files
433 		if (existsFile(path ~ ".dub/build")) rmdirRecurse((path ~ ".dub/build").toNativeString());
434 		if (existsFile(path ~ ".dub/obj")) rmdirRecurse((path ~ ".dub/obj").toNativeString());
435 	}
438 	/// Returns all cached packages as a "packageId" = "version" associative array
439 	string[string] cachedPackages() const { return m_project.cachedPackagesIDs; }
441 	/// Fetches the package matching the dependency and places it in the specified location.
442 	Package fetch(string packageId, const Dependency dep, PlacementLocation location, FetchOptions options, string reason = "")
443 	{
444 		Json pinfo;
445 		PackageSupplier supplier;
446 		foreach(ps; m_packageSuppliers){
447 			try {
448 				pinfo = ps.getPackageDescription(packageId, dep, (options & FetchOptions.usePrerelease) != 0);
449 				supplier = ps;
450 				break;
451 			} catch(Exception e) {
452 				logDiagnostic("Package %s not found for %s: %s", packageId, ps.description, e.msg);
453 				logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
454 			}
455 		}
456 		enforce(pinfo.type != Json.Type.undefined, "No package "~packageId~" was found matching the dependency "~dep.toString());
457 		string ver = pinfo["version"].get!string;
459 		Path placement;
460 		final switch (location) {
461 			case PlacementLocation.local: placement = m_rootPath; break;
462 			case PlacementLocation.user: placement = m_userDubPath ~ "packages/"; break;
463 			case PlacementLocation.system: placement = m_systemDubPath ~ "packages/"; break;
464 		}
466 		// always upgrade branch based versions - TODO: actually check if there is a new commit available
467 		Package existing;
468 		try existing = m_packageManager.getPackage(packageId, ver, placement);
469 		catch (Exception e) {
470 			logWarn("Failed to load existing package %s: %s", ver, e.msg);
471 			logDiagnostic("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize);
472 		}
474 		if (options & FetchOptions.printOnly) {
475 			if (existing && existing.vers != ver)
476 				logInfo("A new version for %s is available (%s -> %s). Run \"dub upgrade %s\" to switch.",
477 					packageId, existing.vers, ver, packageId);
478 			return null;
479 		}
481 		if (existing) {
482 			if (!ver.startsWith("~") || !(options & FetchOptions.forceBranchUpgrade) || location == PlacementLocation.local) {
483 				// TODO: support git working trees by performing a "git pull" instead of this
484 				logDiagnostic("Package %s %s (%s) is already present with the latest version, skipping upgrade.",
485 					packageId, ver, placement);
486 				return existing;
487 			} else {
488 				logInfo("Removing %s %s to prepare replacement with a new version.", packageId, ver);
489 				if (!m_dryRun) m_packageManager.remove(existing, (options & FetchOptions.forceRemove) != 0);
490 			}
491 		}
493 		if (reason.length) logInfo("Fetching %s %s (%s)...", packageId, ver, reason);
494 		else logInfo("Fetching %s %s...", packageId, ver);
495 		if (m_dryRun) return null;
497 		logDiagnostic("Acquiring package zip file");
498 		auto dload = m_projectPath ~ ".dub/temp/downloads";
499 		auto tempfname = packageId ~ "-" ~ (ver.startsWith('~') ? ver[1 .. $] : ver) ~ ".zip";
500 		auto tempFile = m_tempPath ~ tempfname;
501 		string sTempFile = tempFile.toNativeString();
502 		if (exists(sTempFile)) std.file.remove(sTempFile);
503 		supplier.retrievePackage(tempFile, packageId, dep, (options & FetchOptions.usePrerelease) != 0); // Q: continue on fail?
504 		scope(exit) std.file.remove(sTempFile);
506 		logInfo("Placing %s %s to %s...", packageId, ver, placement.toNativeString());
507 		auto clean_package_version = ver[ver.startsWith("~") ? 1 : 0 .. $];
508 		clean_package_version = clean_package_version.replace("+", "_"); // + has special meaning for Optlink
509 		Path dstpath = placement ~ (packageId ~ "-" ~ clean_package_version);
511 		return m_packageManager.storeFetchedPackage(tempFile, pinfo, dstpath);
512 	}
514 	/// Removes a given package from the list of present/cached modules.
515 	/// @removeFromApplication: if true, this will also remove an entry in the
516 	/// list of dependencies in the application's dub.json
517 	void remove(in Package pack, bool force_remove)
518 	{
519 		logInfo("Removing %s in %s", pack.name, pack.path.toNativeString());
520 		if (!m_dryRun) m_packageManager.remove(pack, force_remove);
521 	}
523 	/// @see remove(string, string, RemoveLocation)
524 	enum RemoveVersionWildcard = "*";
526 	/// This will remove a given package with a specified version from the
527 	/// location.
528 	/// It will remove at most one package, unless @param version_ is
529 	/// specified as wildcard "*".
530 	/// @param package_id Package to be removed
531 	/// @param version_ Identifying a version or a wild card. An empty string
532 	/// may be passed into. In this case the package will be removed from the
533 	/// location, if there is only one version retrieved. This will throw an
534 	/// exception, if there are multiple versions retrieved.
535 	/// Note: as wildcard string only RemoveVersionWildcard ("*") is supported.
536 	/// @param location_
537 	void remove(string package_id, string version_, PlacementLocation location_, bool force_remove)
538 	{
539 		enforce(!package_id.empty);
540 		if (location_ == PlacementLocation.local) {
541 			logInfo("To remove a locally placed package, make sure you don't have any data"
542 					~ "\nleft in it's directory and then simply remove the whole directory.");
543 			throw new Exception("dub cannot remove locally installed packages.");
544 		}
546 		Package[] packages;
547 		const bool wildcardOrEmpty = version_ == RemoveVersionWildcard || version_.empty;
549 		// Retrieve packages to be removed.
550 		foreach(pack; m_packageManager.getPackageIterator(package_id))
551 			if( wildcardOrEmpty || pack.vers == version_ )
552 				packages ~= pack;
554 		// Check validity of packages to be removed.
555 		if(packages.empty) {
556 			throw new Exception("Cannot find package to remove. ("
557 				~ "id: '" ~ package_id ~ "', version: '" ~ version_ ~ "', location: '" ~ to!string(location_) ~ "'"
558 				~ ")");
559 		}
560 		if(version_.empty && packages.length > 1) {
561 			logError("Cannot remove package '" ~ package_id ~ "', there are multiple possibilities at location\n"
562 				~ "'" ~ to!string(location_) ~ "'.");
563 			logError("Available versions:");
564 			foreach(pack; packages)
565 				logError("  %s", pack.vers);
566 			throw new Exception("Please specify a individual version using --version=... or use the"
567 				~ " wildcard --version=" ~ RemoveVersionWildcard ~ " to remove all versions.");
568 		}
570 		logDebug("Removing %s packages.", packages.length);
571 		foreach(pack; packages) {
572 			try {
573 				remove(pack, force_remove);
574 				logInfo("Removed %s, version %s.", package_id, pack.vers);
575 			} catch (Exception e) {
576 				logError("Failed to remove %s %s: %s", package_id, pack.vers, e.msg);
577 				logInfo("Continuing with other packages (if any).");
578 			}
579 		}
580 	}
582 	void addLocalPackage(string path, string ver, bool system)
583 	{
584 		if (m_dryRun) return;
585 		m_packageManager.addLocalPackage(makeAbsolute(path), ver, system ? LocalPackageType.system : LocalPackageType.user);
586 	}
588 	void removeLocalPackage(string path, bool system)
589 	{
590 		if (m_dryRun) return;
591 		m_packageManager.removeLocalPackage(makeAbsolute(path), system ? LocalPackageType.system : LocalPackageType.user);
592 	}
594 	void addSearchPath(string path, bool system)
595 	{
596 		if (m_dryRun) return;
597 		m_packageManager.addSearchPath(makeAbsolute(path), system ? LocalPackageType.system : LocalPackageType.user);
598 	}
600 	void removeSearchPath(string path, bool system)
601 	{
602 		if (m_dryRun) return;
603 		m_packageManager.removeSearchPath(makeAbsolute(path), system ? LocalPackageType.system : LocalPackageType.user);
604 	}
606 	void createEmptyPackage(Path path, string[] deps, string type)
607 	{
608 		if (!path.absolute) path = m_rootPath ~ path;
609 		path.normalize();
611 		if (m_dryRun) return;
612 		string[string] depVers;
613 		string[] notFound; // keep track of any failed packages in here
614 		foreach(ps; this.m_packageSuppliers){
615 			foreach(dep; deps){
616 				try{
617 					auto versionStrings = ps.getVersions(dep);
618 					depVers[dep] = versionStrings[$-1].toString;
619 				} catch(Exception e){
620 					notFound ~= dep;
621 				}
622 			}
623 		}
624 		if(notFound.length > 1){
625 			throw new Exception(format("Couldn't find packages: %-(%s, %).", notFound));
626 		}
627 		else if(notFound.length == 1){
628 			throw new Exception(format("Couldn't find package: %-(%s, %).", notFound));
629 		}
631 		initPackage(path, depVers, type);
633 		//Act smug to the user.
634 		logInfo("Successfully created an empty project in '%s'.", path.toNativeString());
635 	}
637 	void runDdox(bool run)
638 	{
639 		if (m_dryRun) return;
641 		auto ddox_pack = m_packageManager.getBestPackage("ddox", ">=0.0.0");
642 		if (!ddox_pack) ddox_pack = m_packageManager.getBestPackage("ddox", "~master");
643 		if (!ddox_pack) {
644 			logInfo("DDOX is not present, getting it and storing user wide");
645 			ddox_pack = fetch("ddox", Dependency(">=0.0.0"), defaultPlacementLocation, FetchOptions.none);
646 		}
648 		version(Windows) auto ddox_exe = "ddox.exe";
649 		else auto ddox_exe = "ddox";
651 		if( !existsFile(ddox_pack.path~ddox_exe) ){
652 			logInfo("DDOX in %s is not built, performing build now.", ddox_pack.path.toNativeString());
654 			auto ddox_dub = new Dub(m_packageSuppliers);
655 			ddox_dub.loadPackage(ddox_pack.path);
656 			ddox_dub.upgrade(UpgradeOptions.select);
658 			auto compiler_binary = "dmd";
660 			GeneratorSettings settings;
661 			settings.config = "application";
662 			settings.compiler = getCompiler(compiler_binary);
663 			settings.platform = settings.compiler.determinePlatform(settings.buildSettings, compiler_binary);
664 			settings.buildType = "debug";
665 			ddox_dub.generateProject("build", settings);
667 			//runCommands(["cd "~ddox_pack.path.toNativeString()~" && dub build -v"]);
668 		}
670 		auto p = ddox_pack.path;
671 		p.endsWithSlash = true;
672 		auto dub_path = p.toNativeString();
674 		string[] commands;
675 		string[] filterargs = m_project.rootPackage.info.ddoxFilterArgs.dup;
676 		if (filterargs.empty) filterargs = ["--min-protection=Protected", "--only-documented"];
677 		commands ~= dub_path~"ddox filter "~filterargs.join(" ")~" docs.json";
678 		if (!run) {
679 			commands ~= dub_path~"ddox generate-html --navigation-type=ModuleTree docs.json docs";
680 			version(Windows) commands ~= "xcopy /S /D "~dub_path~"public\\* docs\\";
681 			else commands ~= "rsync -ru '"~dub_path~"public/' docs/";
682 		}
683 		runCommands(commands);
685 		if (run) {
686 			auto proc = spawnProcess([dub_path~"ddox", "serve-html", "--navigation-type=ModuleTree", "docs.json", "--web-file-dir="~dub_path~"public"]);
687 			browse("");
688 			wait(proc);
689 		}
690 	}
692 	private void updatePackageSearchPath()
693 	{
694 		if (m_overrideSearchPath.length) {
695 			m_packageManager.disableDefaultSearchPaths = true;
696 			m_packageManager.searchPath = [m_overrideSearchPath];
697 		} else {
698 			auto p = environment.get("DUBPATH");
699 			Path[] paths;
701 			version(Windows) enum pathsep = ";";
702 			else enum pathsep = ":";
703 			if (p.length) paths ~= p.split(pathsep).map!(p => Path(p))().array();
704 			m_packageManager.disableDefaultSearchPaths = false;
705 			m_packageManager.searchPath = paths;
706 		}
707 	}
709 	private Path makeAbsolute(Path p) const { return p.absolute ? p : m_rootPath ~ p; }
710 	private Path makeAbsolute(string p) const { return makeAbsolute(Path(p)); }
711 }
713 string determineModuleName(BuildSettings settings, Path file, Path base_path)
714 {
715 	assert(base_path.absolute);
716 	if (!file.absolute) file = base_path ~ file;
718 	size_t path_skip = 0;
719 	foreach (ipath; settings.importPaths.map!(p => Path(p))) {
720 		if (!ipath.absolute) ipath = base_path ~ ipath;
721 		assert(!ipath.empty);
722 		if (file.startsWith(ipath) && ipath.length > path_skip)
723 			path_skip = ipath.length;
724 	}
726 	enforce(path_skip > 0,
727 		format("Source file '%s' not found in any import path.", file.toNativeString()));
729 	auto mpath = file[path_skip .. file.length];
730 	auto ret = appender!string;
732 	//search for module keyword in file
733 	string moduleName = getModuleNameFromFile(file.to!string);
735 	if(moduleName.length) return moduleName;
737 	//create module name from path
738 	foreach (i; 0 .. mpath.length) {
739 		import std.path;
740 		auto p = mpath[i].toString();
741 		if (p == "package.d") break;
742 		if (i > 0) ret ~= ".";
743 		if (i+1 < mpath.length) ret ~= p;
744 		else ret ~= p.baseName(".d");
745 	}
747 	return ret.data;
748 }
750 /**
751  * Search for module keyword in D Code
752  */
753 string getModuleNameFromContent(string content) {
754 	import std.regex;
755 	import std.string;
757 	content = content.strip;
758 	if (!content.length) return null;
760 	static bool regex_initialized = false;
761 	static Regex!char comments_pattern, module_pattern;
763 	if (!regex_initialized) {
764 		comments_pattern = regex(`(/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/)|(//.*)`, "g");
765 		module_pattern = regex(`module\s+([\w\.]+)\s*;`, "g");
766 		regex_initialized = true;
767 	}
769 	content = replaceAll(content, comments_pattern, "");
770 	auto result = matchFirst(content, module_pattern);
772 	string moduleName;
773 	if(!result.empty) moduleName = result.front;
775 	if (moduleName.length >= 7) moduleName = moduleName[7..$-1];
777 	return moduleName;
778 }
780 unittest {
781 	//test empty string
782 	string name = getModuleNameFromContent("");
783 	assert(name == "", "can't get module name from empty string");
785 	//test simple name
786 	name = getModuleNameFromContent("module myPackage.myModule;");
787 	assert(name == "myPackage.myModule", "can't parse module name");
789 	//test if it can ignore module inside comments
790 	name = getModuleNameFromContent("/**
791 	module fakePackage.fakeModule;
792 	*/
793 	module myPackage.myModule;");
795 	assert(name == "myPackage.myModule", "can't parse module name");
797 	name = getModuleNameFromContent("//module fakePackage.fakeModule;
798 	module myPackage.myModule;");
800 	assert(name == "myPackage.myModule", "can't parse module name");
801 }
803 /**
804  * Search for module keyword in file
805  */
806 string getModuleNameFromFile(string filePath) {
807 	string fileContent = filePath.readText;
809 	logDiagnostic("Get module name from path: " ~ filePath);
810 	return getModuleNameFromContent(fileContent);
811 }
813 enum UpgradeOptions
814 {
815 	none = 0,
816 	upgrade = 1<<1, /// Upgrade existing packages
817 	preRelease = 1<<2, /// inclde pre-release versions in upgrade
818 	forceRemove = 1<<3, /// Force removing package folders, which contain unknown files
819 	select = 1<<4, /// Update the dub.selections.json file with the upgraded versions
820 	printUpgradesOnly = 1<<5, /// Instead of downloading new packages, just print a message to notify the user of their existence
821 	useCachedResult = 1<<6, /// Use cached information stored with the package to determine upgrades
822 }
824 class DependencyVersionResolver : DependencyResolver!(Dependency, Dependency) {
825 	protected {
826 		Dub m_dub;
827 		UpgradeOptions m_options;
828 		Dependency[][string] m_packageVersions;
829 		Package[string] m_remotePackages;
830 		SelectedVersions m_selectedVersions;
831 		Package m_rootPackage;
832 	}
835 	this(Dub dub, UpgradeOptions options)
836 	{
837 		m_dub = dub;
838 		m_options = options;
839 	}
841 	Dependency[string] resolve(Package root, SelectedVersions selected_versions)
842 	{
843 		m_rootPackage = root;
844 		m_selectedVersions = selected_versions;
845 		return super.resolve(TreeNode(root.name, Dependency(root.ver)), (m_options & UpgradeOptions.printUpgradesOnly) == 0);
846 	}
848 	protected override Dependency[] getAllConfigs(string pack)
849 	{
850 		if (auto pvers = pack in m_packageVersions)
851 			return *pvers;
853 		if (!(m_options & UpgradeOptions.upgrade) && m_selectedVersions.hasSelectedVersion(pack)) {
854 			auto ret = [m_selectedVersions.getSelectedVersion(pack)];
855 			logDiagnostic("Using fixed selection %s %s", pack, ret[0]);
856 			m_packageVersions[pack] = ret;
857 			return ret;
858 		}
860 		logDiagnostic("Search for versions of %s (%s package suppliers)", pack, m_dub.m_packageSuppliers.length);
861 		Version[] versions;
862 		foreach (p; m_dub.packageManager.getPackageIterator(pack))
863 			versions ~= p.ver;
865 		foreach (ps; m_dub.m_packageSuppliers) {
866 			try {
867 				auto vers = ps.getVersions(pack);
868 				vers.reverse();
869 				if (!vers.length) {
870 					logDiagnostic("No versions for %s for %s", pack, ps.description);
871 					continue;
872 				}
874 				versions ~= vers;
875 				break;
876 			} catch (Exception e) {
877 				logDebug("Package %s not found in %s: %s", pack, ps.description, e.msg);
878 				logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize);
879 			}
880 		}
882 		// sort by version, descending, and remove duplicates
883 		versions = versions.sort!"a>b".uniq.array;
885 		// move pre-release versions to the back of the list if no preRelease flag is given
886 		if (!(m_options & UpgradeOptions.preRelease))
887 			versions = versions.filter!(v => !v.isPreRelease).array ~ versions.filter!(v => v.isPreRelease).array;
889 		if (!versions.length) logDiagnostic("Nothing found for %s", pack);
891 		auto ret = versions.map!(v => Dependency(v)).array;
892 		m_packageVersions[pack] = ret;
893 		return ret;
894 	}
896 	protected override Dependency[] getSpecificConfigs(TreeNodes nodes)
897 	{
898 		if (!nodes.configs.path.empty) return [nodes.configs];
899 		else return null;
900 	}
903 	protected override TreeNodes[] getChildren(TreeNode node)
904 	{
905 		auto ret = appender!(TreeNodes[]);
906 		auto pack = getPackage(node.pack, node.config);
907 		if (!pack) {
908 			// this can hapen when the package description contains syntax errors
909 			logDebug("Invalid package in dependency tree: %s %s", node.pack, node.config);
910 			return null;
911 		}
912 		auto basepack = pack.basePackage;
914 		foreach (dname, dspec; pack.dependencies) {
915 			auto dbasename = getBasePackageName(dname);
917 			// detect dependencies to the root package (or sub packages thereof)
918 			if (dbasename == basepack.name) {
919 				auto absdeppath = dspec.mapToPath(pack.path).path;
920 				auto subpack = m_dub.m_packageManager.getSubPackage(basepack, getSubPackageName(dname), true);
921 				if (subpack) {
922 					auto desireddeppath = dname == dbasename ? basepack.path : subpack.path;
923 					enforce(dspec.path.empty || absdeppath == desireddeppath,
924 						format("Dependency from %s to root package references wrong path: %s vs. %s",
925 							node.pack, absdeppath.toNativeString(), desireddeppath.toNativeString()));
926 				}
927 				ret ~= TreeNodes(dname, node.config);
928 				continue;
929 			}
931 			if (dspec.optional && !m_dub.packageManager.getFirstPackage(dname))
932 				continue;
933 			if (m_options & UpgradeOptions.upgrade || !m_selectedVersions || !m_selectedVersions.hasSelectedVersion(dbasename))
934 				ret ~= TreeNodes(dname, dspec.mapToPath(pack.path));
935 			else ret ~= TreeNodes(dname, m_selectedVersions.getSelectedVersion(dbasename));
936 		}
937 		return ret.data;
938 	}
940 	protected override bool matches(Dependency configs, Dependency config)
941 	{
942 		if (!configs.path.empty) return configs.path == config.path;
943 		return configs.merge(config).valid;
944 	}
946 	private Package getPackage(string name, Dependency dep)
947 	{
948 		auto basename = getBasePackageName(name);
950 		// for sub packages, first try to get them from the base package
951 		if (basename != name) {
952 			auto subname = getSubPackageName(name);
953 			auto basepack = getPackage(basename, dep);
954 			if (!basepack) return null;
955 			if (auto sp = m_dub.m_packageManager.getSubPackage(basepack, subname, true)) {
956 				return sp;
957 			} else if (!basepack.subPackages.canFind!(p => p.path.length)) {
958 				// note: external sub packages are handled further below
959 				logDiagnostic("Sub package %s doesn't exist in %s %s.", name, basename, dep.version_);
960 				return null;
961 			} else if (auto ret = m_dub.m_packageManager.getBestPackage(name, dep)) {
962 				return ret;
963 			} else {
964 				logDiagnostic("External sub package %s %s not found.", name, dep.version_);
965 				return null;
966 			}
967 		}
969 		if (!dep.path.empty) {
970 			auto ret = m_dub.packageManager.getOrLoadPackage(dep.path);
971 			if (dep.matches(ret.ver)) return ret;
972 		}
974 		if (auto ret = m_dub.m_packageManager.getBestPackage(name, dep))
975 			return ret;
977 		auto key = name ~ ":" ~ dep.version_.toString();
978 		if (auto ret = key in m_remotePackages)
979 			return *ret;
981 		auto prerelease = (m_options & UpgradeOptions.preRelease) != 0;
983 		auto rootpack = name.split(":")[0];
985 		foreach (ps; m_dub.m_packageSuppliers) {
986 			if (rootpack == name) {
987 				try {
988 					auto desc = ps.getPackageDescription(name, dep, prerelease);
989 					auto ret = new Package(desc);
990 					m_remotePackages[key] = ret;
991 					return ret;
992 				} catch (Exception e) {
993 					logDiagnostic("Metadata for %s %s could not be downloaded from %s: %s", name, dep, ps.description, e.msg);
994 					logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize);
995 				}
996 			} else {
997 				logDiagnostic("Package %s not found in base package description (%s). Downloading whole package.", name, dep.version_.toString());
998 				try {
999 					FetchOptions fetchOpts;
1000 					fetchOpts |= prerelease ? FetchOptions.usePrerelease : FetchOptions.none;
1001 					fetchOpts |= (m_options & UpgradeOptions.forceRemove) != 0 ? FetchOptions.forceRemove : FetchOptions.none;
1002 					m_dub.fetch(rootpack, dep, defaultPlacementLocation, fetchOpts, "need sub package description");
1003 					auto ret = m_dub.m_packageManager.getBestPackage(name, dep);
1004 					if (!ret) {
1005 						logWarn("Package %s %s doesn't have a sub package %s", rootpack, dep.version_, name);
1006 						return null;
1007 					}
1008 					m_remotePackages[key] = ret;
1009 					return ret;
1010 				} catch (Exception e) {
1011 					logDiagnostic("Package %s could not be downloaded from %s: %s", rootpack, ps.description, e.msg);
1012 					logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize);
1013 				}
1014 			}
1015 		}
1017 		m_remotePackages[key] = null;
1019 		logWarn("Package %s %s could not be loaded either locally, or from the configured package registries.", name, dep);
1020 		return null;
1021 	}
1022 }