1 /**
2 	Abstract representation of a package description file.
4 	Copyright: © 2012-2014 rejectedsoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Matthias Dondorff
7 */
8 module dub.recipe.packagerecipe;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.compilers.utils : warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags;
12 import dub.dependency;
14 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
15 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
16 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
18 import std.algorithm : findSplit, sort;
19 import std.array : join, split;
20 import std.exception : enforce;
21 import std.file;
22 import std.range;
23 import std.process : environment;
26 /**
27 	Returns the individual parts of a qualified package name.
29 	Sub qualified package names are lists of package names separated by ":". For
30 	example, "packa:packb:packc" references a package named "packc" that is a
31 	sub package of "packb", which in turn is a sub package of "packa".
32 */
33 string[] getSubPackagePath(string package_name) @safe pure
34 {
35 	return package_name.split(":");
36 }
38 /**
39 	Returns the name of the top level package for a given (sub) package name.
41 	In case of a top level package, the qualified name is returned unmodified.
42 */
43 string getBasePackageName(string package_name) @safe pure
44 {
45 	return package_name.findSplit(":")[0];
46 }
48 /**
49 	Returns the qualified sub package part of the given package name.
51 	This is the part of the package name excluding the base package
52 	name. See also $(D getBasePackageName).
53 */
54 string getSubPackageName(string package_name) @safe pure
55 {
56 	return package_name.findSplit(":")[2];
57 }
59 @safe unittest
60 {
61 	assert(getSubPackagePath("packa:packb:packc") == ["packa", "packb", "packc"]);
62 	assert(getSubPackagePath("pack") == ["pack"]);
63 	assert(getBasePackageName("packa:packb:packc") == "packa");
64 	assert(getBasePackageName("pack") == "pack");
65 	assert(getSubPackageName("packa:packb:packc") == "packb:packc");
66 	assert(getSubPackageName("pack") == "");
67 }
69 /**
70 	Represents the contents of a package recipe file (dub.json/dub.sdl) in an abstract way.
72 	This structure is used to reason about package descriptions in isolation.
73 	For higher level package handling, see the $(D Package) class.
74 */
75 struct PackageRecipe {
76 	string name;
77 	string version_;
78 	string description;
79 	string homepage;
80 	string[] authors;
81 	string copyright;
82 	string license;
83 	string[] ddoxFilterArgs;
84 	string ddoxTool;
85 	BuildSettingsTemplate buildSettings;
86 	ConfigurationInfo[] configurations;
87 	BuildSettingsTemplate[string] buildTypes;
89 	ToolchainRequirements toolchainRequirements;
91 	SubPackage[] subPackages;
93 	inout(ConfigurationInfo) getConfiguration(string name)
94 	inout {
95 		foreach (c; configurations)
96 			if (c.name == name)
97 				return c;
98 		throw new Exception("Unknown configuration: "~name);
99 	}
101 	/** Clones the package recipe recursively.
102 	*/
103 	PackageRecipe clone() const { return .clone(this); }
104 }
106 struct SubPackage
107 {
108 	string path;
109 	PackageRecipe recipe;
110 }
112 /// Describes minimal toolchain requirements
113 struct ToolchainRequirements
114 {
115 	import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
117 	/// DUB version requirement
118 	Dependency dub = Dependency.any;
119 	/// D front-end version requirement
120 	Dependency frontend = Dependency.any;
121 	/// DMD version requirement
122 	Dependency dmd = Dependency.any;
123 	/// LDC version requirement
124 	Dependency ldc = Dependency.any;
125 	/// GDC version requirement
126 	Dependency gdc = Dependency.any;
128 	/** Get the list of supported compilers.
130 		Returns:
131 			An array of couples of compiler name and compiler requirement
132 	*/
133 	@property Tuple!(string, Dependency)[] supportedCompilers() const
134 	{
135 		Tuple!(string, Dependency)[] res;
136 		if (dmd != Dependency.invalid) res ~= Tuple!(string, Dependency)("dmd", dmd);
137 		if (ldc != Dependency.invalid) res ~= Tuple!(string, Dependency)("ldc", ldc);
138 		if (gdc != Dependency.invalid) res ~= Tuple!(string, Dependency)("gdc", gdc);
139 		return res;
140 	}
142 	bool empty()
143 	const {
144 		import std.algorithm.searching : all;
145 		return only(dub, frontend, dmd, ldc, gdc)
146 			.all!(r => r == Dependency.any);
147 	}
148 }
151 /// Bundles information about a build configuration.
152 struct ConfigurationInfo {
153 	string name;
154 	string[] platforms;
155 	BuildSettingsTemplate buildSettings;
157 	this(string name, BuildSettingsTemplate build_settings)
158 	{
159 		enforce(!name.empty, "Configuration name is empty.");
160 		this.name = name;
161 		this.buildSettings = build_settings;
162 	}
164 	bool matchesPlatform(in BuildPlatform platform)
165 	const {
166 		if( platforms.empty ) return true;
167 		foreach(p; platforms)
168 			if( platform.matchesSpecification("-"~p) )
169 				return true;
170 		return false;
171 	}
172 }
174 /// This keeps general information about how to build a package.
175 /// It contains functions to create a specific BuildSetting, targeted at
176 /// a certain BuildPlatform.
177 struct BuildSettingsTemplate {
178 	Dependency[string] dependencies;
179 	BuildSettingsTemplate[string] dependencyBuildSettings;
180 	string systemDependencies;
181 	TargetType targetType = TargetType.autodetect;
182 	string targetPath;
183 	string targetName;
184 	string workingDirectory;
185 	string mainSourceFile;
186 	string[string] subConfigurations;
187 	string[][string] dflags;
188 	string[][string] lflags;
189 	string[][string] libs;
190 	string[][string] sourceFiles;
191 	string[][string] sourcePaths;
192 	string[][string] excludedSourceFiles;
193 	string[][string] copyFiles;
194 	string[][string] extraDependencyFiles;
195 	string[][string] versions;
196 	string[][string] debugVersions;
197 	string[][string] versionFilters;
198 	string[][string] debugVersionFilters;
199 	string[][string] importPaths;
200 	string[][string] stringImportPaths;
201 	string[][string] preGenerateCommands;
202 	string[][string] postGenerateCommands;
203 	string[][string] preBuildCommands;
204 	string[][string] postBuildCommands;
205 	string[][string] preRunCommands;
206 	string[][string] postRunCommands;
207 	string[string][string] environments;
208 	string[string][string] buildEnvironments;
209 	string[string][string] runEnvironments;
210 	string[string][string] preGenerateEnvironments;
211 	string[string][string] postGenerateEnvironments;
212 	string[string][string] preBuildEnvironments;
213 	string[string][string] postBuildEnvironments;
214 	string[string][string] preRunEnvironments;
215 	string[string][string] postRunEnvironments;
216 	BuildRequirements[string] buildRequirements;
217 	BuildOptions[string] buildOptions;
220 	/// Constructs a BuildSettings object from this template.
221 	void getPlatformSettings(ref BuildSettings dst, in BuildPlatform platform, NativePath base_path)
222 	const {
223 		dst.targetType = this.targetType;
224 		if (!this.targetPath.empty) dst.targetPath = this.targetPath;
225 		if (!this.targetName.empty) dst.targetName = this.targetName;
226 		if (!this.workingDirectory.empty) dst.workingDirectory = this.workingDirectory;
227 		if (!this.mainSourceFile.empty) {
228 			auto p = NativePath(this.mainSourceFile);
229 			p.normalize();
230 			dst.mainSourceFile = p.toNativeString();
231 			dst.addSourceFiles(dst.mainSourceFile);
232 		}
234 		string[] collectFiles(in string[][string] paths_map, string pattern)
235 		{
236 			auto files = appender!(string[]);
238 			import dub.project : buildSettingsVars;
239 			import std.typecons : Nullable;
241 			static Nullable!(string[string]) envVarCache;
243 			if (envVarCache.isNull) envVarCache = environment.toAA();
245 			foreach (suffix, paths; paths_map) {
246 				if (!platform.matchesSpecification(suffix))
247 					continue;
249 				foreach (spath; paths) {
250 					enforce(!spath.empty, "Paths must not be empty strings.");
251 					auto path = NativePath(spath);
252 					if (!path.absolute) path = base_path ~ path;
253 					if (!existsFile(path) || !isDir(path.toNativeString())) {
254 						import std.algorithm : any, find;
255 						const hasVar = chain(buildSettingsVars, envVarCache.get.byKey).any!((string var) {
256 							return spath.find("$"~var).length > 0 || spath.find("${"~var~"}").length > 0;
257 						});
258 						if (!hasVar)
259 							logWarn("Invalid source/import path: %s", path.toNativeString());
260 						continue;
261 					}
263 					auto pstr = path.toNativeString();
264 					foreach (d; dirEntries(pstr, pattern, SpanMode.depth)) {
265 						import std.path : baseName, pathSplitter;
266 						import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
267 						// eliminate any hidden files, or files in hidden directories. But always include
268 						// files that are listed inside hidden directories that are specifically added to
269 						// the project.
270 						if (d.isDir || pathSplitter(d.name[pstr.length .. $])
271 								   .canFind!(name => name.length && name[0] == '.'))
272 							continue;
273 						auto src = NativePath(d.name).relativeTo(base_path);
274 						files ~= src.toNativeString();
275 					}
276 				}
277 			}
279 			return files.data;
280 		}
282  		// collect source files
283 		dst.addSourceFiles(collectFiles(sourcePaths, "*.d"));
284 		auto sourceFiles = dst.sourceFiles.sort();
286  		// collect import files and remove sources
287 		import std.algorithm : copy, setDifference;
289 		auto importFiles = collectFiles(importPaths, "*.{d,di}").sort();
290 		immutable nremoved = importFiles.setDifference(sourceFiles).copy(importFiles.release).length;
291 		importFiles = importFiles[0 .. $ - nremoved];
292 		dst.addImportFiles(importFiles.release);
294 		dst.addStringImportFiles(collectFiles(stringImportPaths, "*"));
296 		getPlatformSetting!("dflags", "addDFlags")(dst, platform);
297 		getPlatformSetting!("lflags", "addLFlags")(dst, platform);
298 		getPlatformSetting!("libs", "addLibs")(dst, platform);
299 		getPlatformSetting!("sourceFiles", "addSourceFiles")(dst, platform);
300 		getPlatformSetting!("excludedSourceFiles", "removeSourceFiles")(dst, platform);
301 		getPlatformSetting!("copyFiles", "addCopyFiles")(dst, platform);
302 		getPlatformSetting!("extraDependencyFiles", "addExtraDependencyFiles")(dst, platform);
303 		getPlatformSetting!("versions", "addVersions")(dst, platform);
304 		getPlatformSetting!("debugVersions", "addDebugVersions")(dst, platform);
305 		getPlatformSetting!("versionFilters", "addVersionFilters")(dst, platform);
306 		getPlatformSetting!("debugVersionFilters", "addDebugVersionFilters")(dst, platform);
307 		getPlatformSetting!("importPaths", "addImportPaths")(dst, platform);
308 		getPlatformSetting!("stringImportPaths", "addStringImportPaths")(dst, platform);
309 		getPlatformSetting!("preGenerateCommands", "addPreGenerateCommands")(dst, platform);
310 		getPlatformSetting!("postGenerateCommands", "addPostGenerateCommands")(dst, platform);
311 		getPlatformSetting!("preBuildCommands", "addPreBuildCommands")(dst, platform);
312 		getPlatformSetting!("postBuildCommands", "addPostBuildCommands")(dst, platform);
313 		getPlatformSetting!("preRunCommands", "addPreRunCommands")(dst, platform);
314 		getPlatformSetting!("postRunCommands", "addPostRunCommands")(dst, platform);
315 		getPlatformSetting!("environments", "addEnvironments")(dst, platform);
316 		getPlatformSetting!("buildEnvironments", "addBuildEnvironments")(dst, platform);
317 		getPlatformSetting!("runEnvironments", "addRunEnvironments")(dst, platform);
318 		getPlatformSetting!("preGenerateEnvironments", "addPreGenerateEnvironments")(dst, platform);
319 		getPlatformSetting!("postGenerateEnvironments", "addPostGenerateEnvironments")(dst, platform);
320 		getPlatformSetting!("preBuildEnvironments", "addPreBuildEnvironments")(dst, platform);
321 		getPlatformSetting!("postBuildEnvironments", "addPostBuildEnvironments")(dst, platform);
322 		getPlatformSetting!("preRunEnvironments", "addPreRunEnvironments")(dst, platform);
323 		getPlatformSetting!("postRunEnvironments", "addPostRunEnvironments")(dst, platform);
324 		getPlatformSetting!("buildRequirements", "addRequirements")(dst, platform);
325 		getPlatformSetting!("buildOptions", "addOptions")(dst, platform);
326 	}
328 	void getPlatformSetting(string name, string addname)(ref BuildSettings dst, in BuildPlatform platform)
329 	const {
330 		foreach(suffix, values; __traits(getMember, this, name)){
331 			if( platform.matchesSpecification(suffix) )
332 				__traits(getMember, dst, addname)(values);
333 		}
334 	}
336 	void warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags(string package_name, string config_name)
337 	{
338 		auto nodef = false;
339 		auto noprop = false;
340 		foreach (req; this.buildRequirements) {
341 			if (req & BuildRequirement.noDefaultFlags) nodef = true;
342 			if (req & BuildRequirement.relaxProperties) noprop = true;
343 		}
345 		if (noprop) {
346 			logWarn(`Warning: "buildRequirements": ["relaxProperties"] is deprecated and is now the default behavior. Note that the -property switch will probably be removed in future versions of DMD.`);
347 			logWarn("");
348 		}
350 		if (nodef) {
351 			logWarn("Warning: This package uses the \"noDefaultFlags\" build requirement. Please use only for development purposes and not for released packages.");
352 			logWarn("");
353 		} else {
354 			string[] all_dflags;
355 			BuildOptions all_options;
356 			foreach (flags; this.dflags) all_dflags ~= flags;
357 			foreach (options; this.buildOptions) all_options |= options;
358 			.warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags(all_dflags, all_options, package_name, config_name);
359 		}
360 	}
361 }
363 package(dub) void checkPlatform(const scope ref ToolchainRequirements tr, BuildPlatform platform, string package_name)
364 {
365 	import dub.compilers.utils : dmdLikeVersionToSemverLike;
366 	import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
367 	import std.format : format;
369 	string compilerver;
370 	Dependency compilerspec;
372 	switch (platform.compiler) {
373 		default:
374 			compilerspec = Dependency.any;
375 			compilerver = "0.0.0";
376 			break;
377 		case "dmd":
378 			compilerspec = tr.dmd;
379 			compilerver = platform.compilerVersion.length
380 				? dmdLikeVersionToSemverLike(platform.compilerVersion)
381 				: "0.0.0";
382 			break;
383 		case "ldc":
384 			compilerspec = tr.ldc;
385 			compilerver = platform.compilerVersion;
386 			if (!compilerver.length) compilerver = "0.0.0";
387 			break;
388 		case "gdc":
389 			compilerspec = tr.gdc;
390 			compilerver = platform.compilerVersion;
391 			if (!compilerver.length) compilerver = "0.0.0";
392 			break;
393 	}
395 	enforce(compilerspec != Dependency.invalid,
396 		format(
397 			"Installed %s %s is not supported by %s. Supported compiler(s):\n%s",
398 			platform.compiler, platform.compilerVersion, package_name,
399 			tr.supportedCompilers.map!((cs) {
400 				auto str = "  - " ~ cs[0];
401 				if (cs[1] != Dependency.any) str ~= ": " ~ cs[1].toString();
402 				return str;
403 			}).join("\n")
404 		)
405 	);
407 	enforce(compilerspec.matches(compilerver),
408 		format(
409 			"Installed %s-%s does not comply with %s compiler requirement: %s %s\n" ~
410 			"Please consider upgrading your installation.",
411 			platform.compiler, platform.compilerVersion,
412 			package_name, platform.compiler, compilerspec
413 		)
414 	);
416 	enforce(tr.frontend.matches(dmdLikeVersionToSemverLike(platform.frontendVersionString)),
417 		format(
418 			"Installed %s-%s with frontend %s does not comply with %s frontend requirement: %s\n" ~
419 			"Please consider upgrading your installation.",
420 			platform.compiler, platform.compilerVersion,
421 			platform.frontendVersionString, package_name, tr.frontend
422 		)
423 	);
424 }
426 package bool addRequirement(ref ToolchainRequirements req, string name, string value)
427 {
428 	switch (name) {
429 		default: return false;
430 		case "dub": req.dub = parseDependency(value); break;
431 		case "frontend": req.frontend = parseDMDDependency(value); break;
432 		case "ldc": req.ldc = parseDependency(value); break;
433 		case "gdc": req.gdc = parseDependency(value); break;
434 		case "dmd": req.dmd = parseDMDDependency(value); break;
435 	}
436 	return true;
437 }
439 private static Dependency parseDependency(string dep)
440 {
441 	if (dep == "no") return Dependency.invalid;
442 	return Dependency(dep);
443 }
445 private static Dependency parseDMDDependency(string dep)
446 {
447 	import dub.compilers.utils : dmdLikeVersionToSemverLike;
448 	import dub.dependency : Dependency;
449 	import std.algorithm : map, splitter;
450 	import std.array : join;
452 	if (dep == "no") return Dependency.invalid;
453 	return dep
454 		.splitter(' ')
455 		.map!(r => dmdLikeVersionToSemverLike(r))
456 		.join(' ')
457 		.Dependency;
458 }
460 private T clone(T)(ref const(T) val)
461 {
462 	import std.traits : isSomeString, isDynamicArray, isAssociativeArray, isBasicType, ValueType;
464 	static if (is(T == immutable)) return val;
465 	else static if (isBasicType!T) return val;
466 	else static if (isDynamicArray!T) {
467 		alias V = typeof(T.init[0]);
468 		static if (is(V == immutable)) return val;
469 		else {
470 			T ret = new V[val.length];
471 			foreach (i, ref f; val)
472 				ret[i] = clone!V(f);
473 			return ret;
474 		}
475 	} else static if (isAssociativeArray!T) {
476 		alias V = ValueType!T;
477 		T ret;
478 		foreach (k, ref f; val)
479 			ret[k] = clone!V(f);
480 		return ret;
481 	} else static if (is(T == struct)) {
482 		T ret;
483 		foreach (i, M; typeof(T.tupleof))
484 			ret.tupleof[i] = clone!M(val.tupleof[i]);
485 		return ret;
486 	} else static assert(false, "Unsupported type: "~T.stringof);
487 }
489 unittest { // issue #1407 - duplicate main source file
490 	{
491 		BuildSettingsTemplate t;
492 		t.mainSourceFile = "./foo.d";
493 		t.sourceFiles[""] = ["foo.d"];
494 		BuildSettings bs;
495 		t.getPlatformSettings(bs, BuildPlatform.init, NativePath("/"));
496 		assert(bs.sourceFiles == ["foo.d"]);
497 	}
499 	version (Windows) {{
500 		BuildSettingsTemplate t;
501 		t.mainSourceFile = "src/foo.d";
502 		t.sourceFiles[""] = ["src\\foo.d"];
503 		BuildSettings bs;
504 		t.getPlatformSettings(bs, BuildPlatform.init, NativePath("/"));
505 		assert(bs.sourceFiles == ["src\\foo.d"]);
506 	}}
507 }