1 /**
2 	Management of packages on the local computer.
4 	Copyright: © 2012-2016 rejectedsoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Matthias Dondorff
7 */
8 module dub.packagemanager;
10 import dub.dependency;
11 import dub.internal.utils;
12 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
13 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
14 import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
15 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
16 import dub.package_;
18 import std.algorithm : countUntil, filter, sort, canFind, remove;
19 import std.array;
20 import std.conv;
21 import std.digest.sha;
22 import std.encoding : sanitize;
23 import std.exception;
24 import std.file;
25 import std.string;
26 import std.zip;
29 /// The PackageManager can retrieve present packages and get / remove
30 /// packages.
31 class PackageManager {
32 	private {
33 		Repository[] m_repositories;
34 		NativePath[] m_searchPath;
35 		Package[] m_packages;
36 		Package[] m_temporaryPackages;
37 		bool m_disableDefaultSearchPaths = false;
38 	}
40 	/**
41 	   Instantiate an instance with a single search path
43 	   This constructor is used when dub is invoked with the '--bar' CLI switch.
44 	   The instance will not look up the default repositories
45 	   (e.g. ~/.dub/packages), using only `path` instead.
47 	   Params:
48 		 path = Path of the single repository
49 	 */
50 	this(NativePath path)
51 	{
52 		this.m_searchPath = [ path ];
53 		this.m_disableDefaultSearchPaths = true;
54 		this.refresh(true);
55 	}
57 	deprecated("Use the overload which accepts 3 `NativePath` arguments")
58 	this(NativePath user_path, NativePath system_path, bool refresh_packages = true)
59 	{
60 		m_repositories = [
61 			Repository(user_path ~ "packages/"),
62 			Repository(system_path ~ "packages/")];
64 		if (refresh_packages) refresh(true);
65 	}
67 	this(NativePath package_path, NativePath user_path, NativePath system_path, bool refresh_packages = true)
68 	{
69 		m_repositories = [
70 			Repository(package_path ~ ".dub/packages/"),
71 			Repository(user_path ~ "packages/"),
72 			Repository(system_path ~ "packages/")];
74 		if (refresh_packages) refresh(true);
75 	}
77 	/** Gets/sets the list of paths to search for local packages.
78 	*/
79 	@property void searchPath(NativePath[] paths)
80 	{
81 		if (paths == m_searchPath) return;
82 		m_searchPath = paths.dup;
83 		refresh(false);
84 	}
85 	/// ditto
86 	@property const(NativePath)[] searchPath() const { return m_searchPath; }
88 	/** Disables searching DUB's predefined search paths.
89 	*/
90 	deprecated("Instantiate a PackageManager instance with the single-argument constructor: `new PackageManager(path)`")
91 	@property void disableDefaultSearchPaths(bool val)
92 	{
93 		this._disableDefaultSearchPaths(val);
94 	}
96 	// Non deprecated instance of the previous symbol,
97 	// as `Dub.updatePackageSearchPath` calls it and while nothing in Dub app
98 	// itself relies on it, just removing the call from `updatePackageSearchPath`
99 	// could break the library use case.
100 	package(dub) void _disableDefaultSearchPaths(bool val)
101 	{
102 		if (val == m_disableDefaultSearchPaths) return;
103 		m_disableDefaultSearchPaths = val;
104 		refresh(true);
105 	}
107 	/** Returns the effective list of search paths, including default ones.
108 	*/
109 	@property const(NativePath)[] completeSearchPath()
110 	const {
111 		auto ret = appender!(NativePath[])();
112 		ret.put(cast(NativePath[])m_searchPath); // work around Phobos 17251
113 		if (!m_disableDefaultSearchPaths) {
114 			foreach (ref repo; m_repositories) {
115 				ret.put(cast(NativePath[])repo.searchPath);
116 				ret.put(cast(NativePath)repo.packagePath);
117 			}
118 		}
119 		return ret.data;
120 	}
122 	/** Sets additional (read-only) package cache paths to search for packages.
124 		Cache paths have the same structure as the default cache paths, such as
125 		".dub/packages/".
127 		Note that previously set custom paths will be removed when setting this
128 		property.
129 	*/
130 	@property void customCachePaths(NativePath[] custom_cache_paths)
131 	{
132 		import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
133 		import std.array : array;
135 		m_repositories.length = LocalPackageType.max+1;
136 		m_repositories ~= custom_cache_paths.map!(p => Repository(p)).array;
138 		refresh(false);
139 	}
142 	/** Looks up a specific package.
144 		Looks up a package matching the given version/path in the set of
145 		registered packages. The lookup order is done according the the
146 		usual rules (see getPackageIterator).
148 		Params:
149 			name = The name of the package
150 			ver = The exact version of the package to query
151 			path = An exact path that the package must reside in. Note that
152 				the package must still be registered in the package manager.
153 			enable_overrides = Apply the local package override list before
154 				returning a package (enabled by default)
156 		Returns:
157 			The matching package or null if no match was found.
158 	*/
159 	Package getPackage(string name, Version ver, bool enable_overrides = true)
160 	{
161 		if (enable_overrides) {
162 			foreach (ref repo; m_repositories)
163 				foreach (ovr; repo.overrides)
164 					if (ovr.package_ == name && ovr.version_.matches(ver)) {
165 						Package pack;
166 						if (!ovr.targetPath.empty) pack = getOrLoadPackage(ovr.targetPath);
167 						else pack = getPackage(name, ovr.targetVersion, false);
168 						if (pack) return pack;
170 						logWarn("Package override %s %s -> %s %s doesn't reference an existing package.",
171 							ovr.package_, ovr.version_, ovr.targetVersion, ovr.targetPath);
172 					}
173 		}
175 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator(name))
176 			if (p.version_ == ver)
177 				return p;
179 		return null;
180 	}
182 	/// ditto
183 	Package getPackage(string name, string ver, bool enable_overrides = true)
184 	{
185 		return getPackage(name, Version(ver), enable_overrides);
186 	}
188 	/// ditto
189 	Package getPackage(string name, Version ver, NativePath path)
190 	{
191 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator(name))
192 			if (p.version_ == ver && p.path.startsWith(path))
193 				return p;
194 		return null;
195 	}
197 	/// ditto
198 	Package getPackage(string name, string ver, NativePath path)
199 	{
200 		return getPackage(name, Version(ver), path);
201 	}
203 	/// ditto
204 	Package getPackage(string name, NativePath path)
205 	{
206 		foreach( p; getPackageIterator(name) )
207 			if (p.path.startsWith(path))
208 				return p;
209 		return null;
210 	}
213 	/** Looks up the first package matching the given name.
214 	*/
215 	Package getFirstPackage(string name)
216 	{
217 		foreach (ep; getPackageIterator(name))
218 			return ep;
219 		return null;
220 	}
222 	/** Looks up the latest package matching the given name.
223 	*/
224 	Package getLatestPackage(string name)
225 	{
226 		Package pkg;
227 		foreach (ep; getPackageIterator(name))
228 			if (pkg is null || pkg.version_ < ep.version_)
229 				pkg = ep;
230 		return pkg;
231 	}
233 	/** For a given package path, returns the corresponding package.
235 		If the package is already loaded, a reference is returned. Otherwise
236 		the package gets loaded and cached for the next call to this function.
238 		Params:
239 			path = NativePath to the root directory of the package
240 			recipe_path = Optional path to the recipe file of the package
241 			allow_sub_packages = Also return a sub package if it resides in the given folder
243 		Returns: The packages loaded from the given path
244 		Throws: Throws an exception if no package can be loaded
245 	*/
246 	Package getOrLoadPackage(NativePath path, NativePath recipe_path = NativePath.init, bool allow_sub_packages = false)
247 	{
248 		path.endsWithSlash = true;
249 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator())
250 			if (p.path == path && (!p.parentPackage || (allow_sub_packages && p.parentPackage.path != p.path)))
251 				return p;
252 		auto pack = Package.load(path, recipe_path);
253 		addPackages(m_temporaryPackages, pack);
254 		return pack;
255 	}
257 	/** For a given SCM repository, returns the corresponding package.
259 		An SCM repository is provided as its remote URL, the repository is cloned
260 		and in the dependency speicfied commit is checked out.
262 		If the target directory already exists, just returns the package
263 		without cloning.
265 		Params:
266 			name = Package name
267 			dependency = Dependency that contains the repository URL and a specific commit
269 		Returns:
270 			The package loaded from the given SCM repository or null if the
271 			package couldn't be loaded.
272 	*/
273 	Package loadSCMPackage(string name, Dependency dependency)
274 	in { assert(!dependency.repository.empty); }
275 	do {
276         Package pack;
278         with (dependency.repository) final switch (kind)
279         {
280             case Kind.git:
281                 pack = loadGitPackage(name, dependency.versionSpec, dependency.repository.remote);
282         }
283         if (pack !is null) {
284             addPackages(m_temporaryPackages, pack);
285         }
286         return pack;
287 	}
289     private Package loadGitPackage(string name, string versionSpec, string remote)
290     {
291 		import dub.internal.git : cloneRepository;
293 		if (!versionSpec.startsWith("~") && !versionSpec.isGitHash) {
294 			return null;
295 		}
297 		string gitReference = versionSpec.chompPrefix("~");
298 		const destination = m_repositories[LocalPackageType.user].packagePath ~
299 			NativePath(name ~ "-" ~ gitReference) ~ (name~"/");
301 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator(name)) {
302 			if (p.path == destination) {
303 				return p;
304 			}
305 		}
307 		if (!cloneRepository(remote, gitReference, destination.toNativeString())) {
308 			return null;
309 		}
311 		return Package.load(destination);
312     }
314 	/** Searches for the latest version of a package matching the given dependency.
315 	*/
316 	Package getBestPackage(string name, Dependency version_spec, bool enable_overrides = true)
317 	{
318 		Package ret;
319 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator(name))
320 			if (version_spec.matches(p.version_) && (!ret || p.version_ > ret.version_))
321 				ret = p;
323 		if (enable_overrides && ret) {
324 			if (auto ovr = getPackage(name, ret.version_))
325 				return ovr;
326 		}
327 		return ret;
328 	}
330 	/// ditto
331 	Package getBestPackage(string name, string version_spec)
332 	{
333 		return getBestPackage(name, Dependency(version_spec));
334 	}
336 	/** Gets the a specific sub package.
338 		In contrast to `Package.getSubPackage`, this function supports path
339 		based sub packages.
341 		Params:
342 			base_package = The package from which to get a sub package
343 			sub_name = Name of the sub package (not prefixed with the base
344 				package name)
345 			silent_fail = If set to true, the function will return `null` if no
346 				package is found. Otherwise will throw an exception.
348 	*/
349 	Package getSubPackage(Package base_package, string sub_name, bool silent_fail)
350 	{
351 		foreach (p; getPackageIterator(base_package.name~":"~sub_name))
352 			if (p.parentPackage is base_package)
353 				return p;
354 		enforce(silent_fail, "Sub package \""~base_package.name~":"~sub_name~"\" doesn't exist.");
355 		return null;
356 	}
359 	/** Determines if a package is managed by DUB.
361 		Managed packages can be upgraded and removed.
362 	*/
363 	bool isManagedPackage(Package pack)
364 	const {
365 		auto ppath = pack.basePackage.path;
366 		return isManagedPath(ppath);
367 	}
369 	/** Determines if a specific path is within a DUB managed package folder.
371 		By default, managed folders are "~/.dub/packages" and
372 		"/var/lib/dub/packages".
373 	*/
374 	bool isManagedPath(NativePath path)
375 	const {
376 		foreach (rep; m_repositories) {
377 			NativePath rpath = rep.packagePath;
378 			if (path.startsWith(rpath))
379 				return true;
380 		}
381 		return false;
382 	}
384 	/** Enables iteration over all known local packages.
386 		Returns: A delegate suitable for use with `foreach` is returned.
387 	*/
388 	int delegate(int delegate(ref Package)) getPackageIterator()
389 	{
390 		int iterator(int delegate(ref Package) del)
391 		{
392 			foreach (tp; m_temporaryPackages)
393 				if (auto ret = del(tp)) return ret;
395 			// first search local packages
396 			foreach (ref repo; m_repositories)
397 				foreach (p; repo.localPackages)
398 					if (auto ret = del(p)) return ret;
400 			// and then all packages gathered from the search path
401 			foreach( p; m_packages )
402 				if( auto ret = del(p) )
403 					return ret;
404 			return 0;
405 		}
407 		return &iterator;
408 	}
410 	/** Enables iteration over all known local packages with a certain name.
412 		Returns: A delegate suitable for use with `foreach` is returned.
413 	*/
414 	int delegate(int delegate(ref Package)) getPackageIterator(string name)
415 	{
416 		int iterator(int delegate(ref Package) del)
417 		{
418 			foreach (p; getPackageIterator())
419 				if (p.name == name)
420 					if (auto ret = del(p)) return ret;
421 			return 0;
422 		}
424 		return &iterator;
425 	}
428 	/** Returns a list of all package overrides for the given scope.
429 	*/
430 	const(PackageOverride)[] getOverrides(LocalPackageType scope_)
431 	const {
432 		return m_repositories[scope_].overrides;
433 	}
435 	/** Adds a new override for the given package.
436 	*/
437 	void addOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec, Version target)
438 	{
439 		m_repositories[scope_].overrides ~= PackageOverride(package_, version_spec, target);
440 		writeLocalPackageOverridesFile(scope_);
441 	}
442 	/// ditto
443 	void addOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec, NativePath target)
444 	{
445 		m_repositories[scope_].overrides ~= PackageOverride(package_, version_spec, target);
446 		writeLocalPackageOverridesFile(scope_);
447 	}
449 	/** Removes an existing package override.
450 	*/
451 	void removeOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec)
452 	{
453 		Repository* rep = &m_repositories[scope_];
454 		foreach (i, ovr; rep.overrides) {
455 			if (ovr.package_ != package_ || ovr.version_ != version_spec)
456 				continue;
457 			rep.overrides = rep.overrides[0 .. i] ~ rep.overrides[i+1 .. $];
458 			writeLocalPackageOverridesFile(scope_);
459 			return;
460 		}
461 		throw new Exception(format("No override exists for %s %s", package_, version_spec));
462 	}
464 	/// Extracts the package supplied as a path to it's zip file to the
465 	/// destination and sets a version field in the package description.
466 	Package storeFetchedPackage(NativePath zip_file_path, Json package_info, NativePath destination)
467 	{
468 		import std.range : walkLength;
470 		auto package_name = package_info["name"].get!string;
471 		auto package_version = package_info["version"].get!string;
473 		logDebug("Placing package '%s' version '%s' to location '%s' from file '%s'",
474 			package_name, package_version, destination.toNativeString(), zip_file_path.toNativeString());
476 		if( existsFile(destination) ){
477 			throw new Exception(format("%s (%s) needs to be removed from '%s' prior placement.", package_name, package_version, destination));
478 		}
480 		// open zip file
481 		ZipArchive archive;
482 		{
483 			logDebug("Opening file %s", zip_file_path);
484 			auto f = openFile(zip_file_path, FileMode.read);
485 			scope(exit) f.close();
486 			archive = new ZipArchive(f.readAll());
487 		}
489 		logDebug("Extracting from zip.");
491 		// In a github zip, the actual contents are in a subfolder
492 		alias PSegment = typeof(NativePath.init.head);
493 		PSegment[] zip_prefix;
494 		outer: foreach(ArchiveMember am; archive.directory) {
495 			auto path = NativePath(am.name).bySegment.array;
496 			foreach (fil; packageInfoFiles)
497 				if (path.length == 2 && path[$-1].name == fil.filename) {
498 					zip_prefix = path[0 .. $-1];
499 					break outer;
500 				}
501 		}
503 		logDebug("zip root folder: %s", zip_prefix);
505 		NativePath getCleanedPath(string fileName) {
506 			auto path = NativePath(fileName);
507 			if (zip_prefix.length && !path.bySegment.startsWith(zip_prefix)) return NativePath.init;
508 			static if (is(typeof(path[0 .. 1]))) return path[zip_prefix.length .. $];
509 			else return NativePath(path.bySegment.array[zip_prefix.length .. $]);
510 		}
512 		static void setAttributes(string path, ArchiveMember am)
513 		{
514 			import std.datetime : DosFileTimeToSysTime;
516 			auto mtime = DosFileTimeToSysTime(am.time);
517 			setTimes(path, mtime, mtime);
518 			if (auto attrs = am.fileAttributes)
519 				std.file.setAttributes(path, attrs);
520 		}
522 		// extract & place
523 		mkdirRecurse(destination.toNativeString());
524 		logDebug("Copying all files...");
525 		int countFiles = 0;
526 		foreach(ArchiveMember a; archive.directory) {
527 			auto cleanedPath = getCleanedPath(a.name);
528 			if(cleanedPath.empty) continue;
529 			auto dst_path = destination ~ cleanedPath;
531 			logDebug("Creating %s", cleanedPath);
532 			if( dst_path.endsWithSlash ){
533 				if( !existsDirectory(dst_path) )
534 					mkdirRecurse(dst_path.toNativeString());
535 			} else {
536 				if( !existsDirectory(dst_path.parentPath) )
537 					mkdirRecurse(dst_path.parentPath.toNativeString());
538 				{
539 					auto dstFile = openFile(dst_path, FileMode.createTrunc);
540 					scope(exit) dstFile.close();
541 					dstFile.put(archive.expand(a));
542 				}
543 				setAttributes(dst_path.toNativeString(), a);
544 				++countFiles;
545 			}
546 		}
547 		logDebug("%s file(s) copied.", to!string(countFiles));
549 		// overwrite dub.json (this one includes a version field)
550 		auto pack = Package.load(destination, NativePath.init, null, package_info["version"].get!string);
552 		if (pack.recipePath.head != defaultPackageFilename)
553 			// Storeinfo saved a default file, this could be different to the file from the zip.
554 			removeFile(pack.recipePath);
555 		pack.storeInfo();
556 		addPackages(m_packages, pack);
557 		return pack;
558 	}
560 	/// Removes the given the package.
561 	void remove(in Package pack)
562 	{
563 		logDebug("Remove %s, version %s, path '%s'", pack.name, pack.version_, pack.path);
564 		enforce(!pack.path.empty, "Cannot remove package "~pack.name~" without a path.");
566 		// remove package from repositories' list
567 		bool found = false;
568 		bool removeFrom(Package[] packs, in Package pack) {
569 			auto packPos = countUntil!("a.path == b.path")(packs, pack);
570 			if(packPos != -1) {
571 				packs = .remove(packs, packPos);
572 				return true;
573 			}
574 			return false;
575 		}
576 		foreach(repo; m_repositories) {
577 			if(removeFrom(repo.localPackages, pack)) {
578 				found = true;
579 				break;
580 			}
581 		}
582 		if(!found)
583 			found = removeFrom(m_packages, pack);
584 		enforce(found, "Cannot remove, package not found: '"~ pack.name ~"', path: " ~ to!string(pack.path));
586 		logDebug("About to delete root folder for package '%s'.", pack.path);
587 		rmdirRecurse(pack.path.toNativeString());
588 		logInfo("Removed package: '"~pack.name~"'");
589 	}
591 	/// Compatibility overload. Use the version without a `force_remove` argument instead.
592 	deprecated("Use `remove(pack)` directly instead, the boolean has no effect")
593 	void remove(in Package pack, bool force_remove)
594 	{
595 		remove(pack);
596 	}
598 	Package addLocalPackage(NativePath path, string verName, LocalPackageType type)
599 	{
600 		path.endsWithSlash = true;
601 		auto pack = Package.load(path);
602 		enforce(pack.name.length, "The package has no name, defined in: " ~ path.toString());
603 		if (verName.length)
604 			pack.version_ = Version(verName);
606 		// don't double-add packages
607 		Package[]* packs = &m_repositories[type].localPackages;
608 		foreach (p; *packs) {
609 			if (p.path == path) {
610 				enforce(p.version_ == pack.version_, "Adding the same local package twice with differing versions is not allowed.");
611 				logInfo("Package is already registered: %s (version: %s)", p.name, p.version_);
612 				return p;
613 			}
614 		}
616 		addPackages(*packs, pack);
618 		writeLocalPackageList(type);
620 		logInfo("Registered package: %s (version: %s)", pack.name, pack.version_);
621 		return pack;
622 	}
624 	void removeLocalPackage(NativePath path, LocalPackageType type)
625 	{
626 		path.endsWithSlash = true;
628 		Package[]* packs = &m_repositories[type].localPackages;
629 		size_t[] to_remove;
630 		foreach( i, entry; *packs )
631 			if( entry.path == path )
632 				to_remove ~= i;
633 		enforce(to_remove.length > 0, "No "~type.to!string()~" package found at "~path.toNativeString());
635 		string[Version] removed;
636 		foreach_reverse( i; to_remove ) {
637 			removed[(*packs)[i].version_] = (*packs)[i].name;
638 			*packs = (*packs)[0 .. i] ~ (*packs)[i+1 .. $];
639 		}
641 		writeLocalPackageList(type);
643 		foreach(ver, name; removed)
644 			logInfo("Deregistered package: %s (version: %s)", name, ver);
645 	}
647 	/// For the given type add another path where packages will be looked up.
648 	void addSearchPath(NativePath path, LocalPackageType type)
649 	{
650 		m_repositories[type].searchPath ~= path;
651 		writeLocalPackageList(type);
652 	}
654 	/// Removes a search path from the given type.
655 	void removeSearchPath(NativePath path, LocalPackageType type)
656 	{
657 		m_repositories[type].searchPath = m_repositories[type].searchPath.filter!(p => p != path)().array();
658 		writeLocalPackageList(type);
659 	}
661 	void refresh(bool refresh_existing_packages)
662 	{
663 		logDiagnostic("Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: %s)...", refresh_existing_packages);
665 		// load locally defined packages
666 		void scanLocalPackages(LocalPackageType type)
667 		{
668 			NativePath list_path = m_repositories[type].packagePath;
669 			Package[] packs;
670 			NativePath[] paths;
671 			try {
672 				auto local_package_file = list_path ~ LocalPackagesFilename;
673 				logDiagnostic("Looking for local package map at %s", local_package_file.toNativeString());
674 				if( !existsFile(local_package_file) ) return;
675 				logDiagnostic("Try to load local package map at %s", local_package_file.toNativeString());
676 				auto packlist = jsonFromFile(list_path ~ LocalPackagesFilename);
677 				enforce(packlist.type == Json.Type.array, LocalPackagesFilename~" must contain an array.");
678 				foreach( pentry; packlist ){
679 					try {
680 						auto name = pentry["name"].get!string;
681 						auto path = NativePath(pentry["path"].get!string);
682 						if (name == "*") {
683 							paths ~= path;
684 						} else {
685 							auto ver = Version(pentry["version"].get!string);
687 							Package pp;
688 							if (!refresh_existing_packages) {
689 								foreach (p; m_repositories[type].localPackages)
690 									if (p.path == path) {
691 										pp = p;
692 										break;
693 									}
694 							}
696 							if (!pp) {
697 								auto infoFile = Package.findPackageFile(path);
698 								if (!infoFile.empty) pp = Package.load(path, infoFile);
699 								else {
700 									logWarn("Locally registered package %s %s was not found. Please run 'dub remove-local \"%s\"'.",
701 										name, ver, path.toNativeString());
702 									auto info = Json.emptyObject;
703 									info["name"] = name;
704 									pp = new Package(info, path);
705 								}
706 							}
708 							if (pp.name != name)
709 								logWarn("Local package at %s has different name than %s (%s)", path.toNativeString(), name, pp.name);
710 							pp.version_ = ver;
712 							addPackages(packs, pp);
713 						}
714 					} catch( Exception e ){
715 						logWarn("Error adding local package: %s", e.msg);
716 					}
717 				}
718 			} catch( Exception e ){
719 				logDiagnostic("Loading of local package list at %s failed: %s", list_path.toNativeString(), e.msg);
720 			}
721 			m_repositories[type].localPackages = packs;
722 			m_repositories[type].searchPath = paths;
723 		}
724 		if (!m_disableDefaultSearchPaths)
725 		{
726 			scanLocalPackages(LocalPackageType.system);
727 			scanLocalPackages(LocalPackageType.user);
728 			scanLocalPackages(LocalPackageType.package_);
729 		}
731 		auto old_packages = m_packages;
733 		// rescan the system and user package folder
734 		void scanPackageFolder(NativePath path)
735 		{
736 			if( path.existsDirectory() ){
737 				logDebug("iterating dir %s", path.toNativeString());
738 				try foreach( pdir; iterateDirectory(path) ){
739 					logDebug("iterating dir %s entry %s", path.toNativeString(), pdir.name);
740 					if (!pdir.isDirectory) continue;
742 					auto pack_path = path ~ (pdir.name ~ "/");
744 					auto packageFile = Package.findPackageFile(pack_path);
746 					if (isManagedPath(path) && packageFile.empty) {
747 						// Search for a single directory within this directory which happen to be a prefix of pdir
748 						// This is to support new folder structure installed over the ancient one.
749 						foreach (subdir; iterateDirectory(path ~ (pdir.name ~ "/")))
750 							if (subdir.isDirectory && pdir.name.startsWith(subdir.name)) {// eg: package vibe-d will be in "vibe-d-x.y.z/vibe-d"
751 								pack_path ~= subdir.name ~ "/";
752 								packageFile = Package.findPackageFile(pack_path);
753 								break;
754 							}
755 					}
757 					if (packageFile.empty) continue;
758 					Package p;
759 					try {
760 						if (!refresh_existing_packages)
761 							foreach (pp; old_packages)
762 								if (pp.path == pack_path) {
763 									p = pp;
764 									break;
765 								}
766 						if (!p) p = Package.load(pack_path, packageFile);
767 						addPackages(m_packages, p);
768 					} catch( Exception e ){
769 						logError("Failed to load package in %s: %s", pack_path, e.msg);
770 						logDiagnostic("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
771 					}
772 				}
773 				catch(Exception e) logDiagnostic("Failed to enumerate %s packages: %s", path.toNativeString(), e.toString());
774 			}
775 		}
777 		m_packages = null;
778 		foreach (p; this.completeSearchPath)
779 			scanPackageFolder(p);
781 		void loadOverrides(LocalPackageType type)
782 		{
783 			m_repositories[type].overrides = null;
784 			auto ovrfilepath = m_repositories[type].packagePath ~ LocalOverridesFilename;
785 			if (existsFile(ovrfilepath)) {
786 				foreach (entry; jsonFromFile(ovrfilepath)) {
787 					PackageOverride ovr;
788 					ovr.package_ = entry["name"].get!string;
789 					ovr.version_ = Dependency(entry["version"].get!string);
790 					if (auto pv = "targetVersion" in entry) ovr.targetVersion = Version(pv.get!string);
791 					if (auto pv = "targetPath" in entry) ovr.targetPath = NativePath(pv.get!string);
792 					m_repositories[type].overrides ~= ovr;
793 				}
794 			}
795 		}
796 		if (!m_disableDefaultSearchPaths)
797 		{
798 			loadOverrides(LocalPackageType.package_);
799 			loadOverrides(LocalPackageType.user);
800 			loadOverrides(LocalPackageType.system);
801 		}
802 	}
804 	alias Hash = ubyte[];
805 	/// Generates a hash value for a given package.
806 	/// Some files or folders are ignored during the generation (like .dub and
807 	/// .svn folders)
808 	Hash hashPackage(Package pack)
809 	{
810 		string[] ignored_directories = [".git", ".dub", ".svn"];
811 		// something from .dub_ignore or what?
812 		string[] ignored_files = [];
813 		SHA1 sha1;
814 		foreach(file; dirEntries(pack.path.toNativeString(), SpanMode.depth)) {
815 			if(file.isDir && ignored_directories.canFind(NativePath(file.name).head.name))
816 				continue;
817 			else if(ignored_files.canFind(NativePath(file.name).head.name))
818 				continue;
820 			sha1.put(cast(ubyte[])NativePath(file.name).head.name);
821 			if(file.isDir) {
822 				logDebug("Hashed directory name %s", NativePath(file.name).head);
823 			}
824 			else {
825 				sha1.put(openFile(NativePath(file.name)).readAll());
826 				logDebug("Hashed file contents from %s", NativePath(file.name).head);
827 			}
828 		}
829 		auto hash = sha1.finish();
830 		logDebug("Project hash: %s", hash);
831 		return hash[].dup;
832 	}
834 	private void writeLocalPackageList(LocalPackageType type)
835 	{
836 		Json[] newlist;
837 		foreach (p; m_repositories[type].searchPath) {
838 			auto entry = Json.emptyObject;
839 			entry["name"] = "*";
840 			entry["path"] = p.toNativeString();
841 			newlist ~= entry;
842 		}
844 		foreach (p; m_repositories[type].localPackages) {
845 			if (p.parentPackage) continue; // do not store sub packages
846 			auto entry = Json.emptyObject;
847 			entry["name"] = p.name;
848 			entry["version"] = p.version_.toString();
849 			entry["path"] = p.path.toNativeString();
850 			newlist ~= entry;
851 		}
853 		NativePath path = m_repositories[type].packagePath;
854 		if( !existsDirectory(path) ) mkdirRecurse(path.toNativeString());
855 		writeJsonFile(path ~ LocalPackagesFilename, Json(newlist));
856 	}
858 	private void writeLocalPackageOverridesFile(LocalPackageType type)
859 	{
860 		Json[] newlist;
861 		foreach (ovr; m_repositories[type].overrides) {
862 			auto jovr = Json.emptyObject;
863 			jovr["name"] = ovr.package_;
864 			jovr["version"] = ovr.version_.versionSpec;
865 			if (!ovr.targetPath.empty) jovr["targetPath"] = ovr.targetPath.toNativeString();
866 			else jovr["targetVersion"] = ovr.targetVersion.toString();
867 			newlist ~= jovr;
868 		}
869 		auto path = m_repositories[type].packagePath;
870 		if (!existsDirectory(path)) mkdirRecurse(path.toNativeString());
871 		writeJsonFile(path ~ LocalOverridesFilename, Json(newlist));
872 	}
874 	/// Adds the package and scans for subpackages.
875 	private void addPackages(ref Package[] dst_repos, Package pack)
876 	const {
877 		// Add the main package.
878 		dst_repos ~= pack;
880 		// Additionally to the internally defined subpackages, whose metadata
881 		// is loaded with the main dub.json, load all externally defined
882 		// packages after the package is available with all the data.
883 		foreach (spr; pack.subPackages) {
884 			Package sp;
886 			if (spr.path.length) {
887 				auto p = NativePath(spr.path);
888 				p.normalize();
889 				enforce(!p.absolute, "Sub package paths must be sub paths of the parent package.");
890 				auto path = pack.path ~ p;
891 				if (!existsFile(path)) {
892 					logError("Package %s declared a sub-package, definition file is missing: %s", pack.name, path.toNativeString());
893 					continue;
894 				}
895 				sp = Package.load(path, NativePath.init, pack);
896 			} else sp = new Package(spr.recipe, pack.path, pack);
898 			// Add the subpackage.
899 			try {
900 				dst_repos ~= sp;
901 			} catch (Exception e) {
902 				logError("Package '%s': Failed to load sub-package %s: %s", pack.name,
903 					spr.path.length ? spr.path : spr.recipe.name, e.msg);
904 				logDiagnostic("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
905 			}
906 		}
907 	}
908 }
910 struct PackageOverride {
911 	string package_;
912 	Dependency version_;
913 	Version targetVersion;
914 	NativePath targetPath;
916 	this(string package_, Dependency version_, Version target_version)
917 	{
918 		this.package_ = package_;
919 		this.version_ = version_;
920 		this.targetVersion = target_version;
921 	}
923 	this(string package_, Dependency version_, NativePath target_path)
924 	{
925 		this.package_ = package_;
926 		this.version_ = version_;
927 		this.targetPath = target_path;
928 	}
929 }
931 enum LocalPackageType {
932 	package_,
933 	user,
934 	system
935 }
937 private enum LocalPackagesFilename = "local-packages.json";
938 private enum LocalOverridesFilename = "local-overrides.json";
941 private struct Repository {
942 	NativePath packagePath;
943 	NativePath[] searchPath;
944 	Package[] localPackages;
945 	PackageOverride[] overrides;
947 	this(NativePath path)
948 	{
949 		this.packagePath = path;
950 	}
951 }