Create the list of all supported commands
Get an instance of the requested command.
Get an instance of the requested command after the args are sent.
Parses the general options and sets up the log level and the root_path
The list of commands that can be handled
General options parser
Can get the command names
CommandLineHandler handler; handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(handler.commandNames == ["init", "run", "build", "test", "lint", "generate", "describe", "clean", "dustmite", "fetch", "add", "remove", "upgrade", "add-path", "remove-path", "add-local", "remove-local", "list", "search", "add-override", "remove-override", "list-overrides", "clean-caches", "convert"]);
It sets the cwd as root_path by default
CommandLineHandler handler; auto args = new CommandArgs([]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(handler.options.root_path == getcwd());
It can set a custom root_path
CommandLineHandler handler; auto args = new CommandArgs(["--root=/tmp/test"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(handler.options.root_path == "/tmp/test".absolutePath.buildNormalizedPath); args = new CommandArgs(["--root=./test"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(handler.options.root_path == "./test".absolutePath.buildNormalizedPath);
It sets the info log level by default
scope(exit) setLogLevel(; CommandLineHandler handler; auto args = new CommandArgs([]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() ==;
It can set a custom error level
scope(exit) setLogLevel(; CommandLineHandler handler; auto args = new CommandArgs(["--vverbose"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() == LogLevel.debug_); handler = CommandLineHandler(); args = new CommandArgs(["--verbose"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() == LogLevel.diagnostic); handler = CommandLineHandler(); args = new CommandArgs(["--vquiet"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() == LogLevel.none); handler = CommandLineHandler(); args = new CommandArgs(["--quiet"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() == LogLevel.warn); handler = CommandLineHandler(); args = new CommandArgs(["--verror"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); assert(getLogLevel() == LogLevel.error);
It returns the run command by default
CommandLineHandler handler; handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(handler.getCommand("").name == "run");
It returns the help command when there is none set and the --help arg was set
CommandLineHandler handler; auto args = new CommandArgs(["--help"]); handler.prepareOptions(args); handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(cast(HelpCommand)handler.getCommand("") !is null);
It returns the help command when the help command is sent
CommandLineHandler handler; handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(cast(HelpCommand) handler.getCommand("help") !is null);
It returns the init command when the init command is sent
CommandLineHandler handler; handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(handler.getCommand("init").name == "init");
It returns null when a missing command is sent
CommandLineHandler handler; handler.commandGroups = getCommands(); assert(handler.getCommand("missing") is null);
Handles the Command Line options and commands.