Clones the package recipe recursively.
List of project authors
Build settings influence the command line arguments and options passed to the compiler and linker.
Defines additional custom build types or overrides the default ones
Specifies an optional list of build configurations
Copyright declaration string
Specifies a list of command line flags usable for controlling filter behavior for --build=ddox experimental
Specify which tool to use with --build=ddox (experimental)
Brief description of the package.
URL of the project website
License(s) under which the project can be used
Name of the package, used to uniquely identify the package.
Sub-packages path or definitions
Set of version requirements for DUB, compilers and/or language frontend.
Usually unused by users, this is set by dub automatically
Represents the contents of a package recipe file (dub.json/dub.sdl) in an abstract way.
This structure is used to reason about package descriptions in isolation. For higher level package handling, see the Package class.