1 module dub.packagesuppliers.filesystem;
3 import dub.packagesuppliers.packagesupplier;
5 /**
6 	File system based package supplier.
8 	This package supplier searches a certain directory for files with names of
9 	the form "[package name]-[version].zip".
10 */
11 class FileSystemPackageSupplier : PackageSupplier {
12 	import dub.internal.logging;
14 	version (Have_vibe_core) import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path : toNativeString;
15 	import std.exception : enforce;
16 	private {
17 		NativePath m_path;
18 	}
20 	this(NativePath root) { m_path = root; }
22 	override @property string description() { return "file repository at "~m_path.toNativeString(); }
24 	Version[] getVersions(string package_id)
25 	{
26 		import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
27 		import std.file : dirEntries, DirEntry, SpanMode;
28 		import std.conv : to;
29 		Version[] ret;
30 		foreach (DirEntry d; dirEntries(m_path.toNativeString(), package_id~"*", SpanMode.shallow)) {
31 			NativePath p = NativePath(d.name);
32 			logDebug("Entry: %s", p);
33 			enforce(to!string(p.head)[$-4..$] == ".zip");
34 			auto vers = p.head.name[package_id.length+1..$-4];
35 			logDebug("Version: %s", vers);
36 			ret ~= Version(vers);
37 		}
38 		ret.sort();
39 		return ret;
40 	}
42 	void fetchPackage(NativePath path, string packageId, Dependency dep, bool pre_release)
43 	{
44 		import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file : copyFile, existsFile;
45 		enforce(path.absolute);
46 		logInfo("Storing package '%s', version requirements: %s", packageId, dep);
47 		auto filename = bestPackageFile(packageId, dep, pre_release);
48 		enforce(existsFile(filename));
49 		copyFile(filename, path);
50 	}
52 	Json fetchPackageRecipe(string packageId, Dependency dep, bool pre_release)
53 	{
54 		import std.array : split;
55 		import std.path : stripExtension;
56 		import std.algorithm : startsWith, endsWith;
57 		import dub.internal.utils : packageInfoFileFromZip;
58 		import dub.recipe.io : parsePackageRecipe;
59 		import dub.recipe.json : toJson;
61 		auto filePath = bestPackageFile(packageId, dep, pre_release);
62 		string packageFileName;
63 		string packageFileContent = packageInfoFileFromZip(filePath, packageFileName);
64 		auto recipe = parsePackageRecipe(packageFileContent, packageFileName);
65 		Json json = toJson(recipe);
66 		auto basename = filePath.head.name;
67 		enforce(basename.endsWith(".zip"), "Malformed package filename: " ~ filePath.toNativeString);
68 		enforce(basename.startsWith(packageId), "Malformed package filename: " ~ filePath.toNativeString);
69 		json["version"] = basename[packageId.length + 1 .. $-4];
70 		return json;
71 	}
73 	SearchResult[] searchPackages(string query)
74 	{
75 		// TODO!
76 		return null;
77 	}
79 	private NativePath bestPackageFile(string packageId, Dependency dep, bool pre_release)
80 	{
81 		import std.algorithm.iteration : filter;
82 		import std.array : array;
83 		import std.format : format;
84 		NativePath toPath(Version ver) {
85 			return m_path ~ (packageId ~ "-" ~ ver.toString() ~ ".zip");
86 		}
87 		auto versions = getVersions(packageId).filter!(v => dep.matches(v)).array;
88 		enforce(versions.length > 0, format("No package %s found matching %s", packageId, dep));
89 		foreach_reverse (ver; versions) {
90 			if (pre_release || !ver.isPreRelease)
91 				return toPath(ver);
92 		}
93 		return toPath(versions[$-1]);
94 	}
95 }