Constructs a new empty version selection.
Constructs a new non-empty version selection.
Constructs a new non-empty version selection, prefixing relative path selections with the specified prefix.
Constructs a new version selection from JSON data.
Constructs a new version selections from an existing JSON file.
Removes all selections.
Removes the selection for a particular package.
Returns the selection for a particular package.
Determines if a particular package has a selection set.
Stores the selections to disk.
Selects a certain version for a specific package.
Selects a certain path for a specific package.
Selects a certain Git reference for a specific package.
Duplicates the set of selected versions from another instance.
Default file name to use for storing selections.
Determine if this set of selections is still empty (but not cleared).
Determines if any changes have been made after loading the selections from a file.
Returns a list of names for all packages that have a version selection.
Holds and stores a set of version selections for package dependencies.
This is the runtime representation of the information contained in "dub.selections.json" within a package's directory.
Note that as subpackages share the same version as their main package, this class will treat any subpackage reference as a reference to its main package.