1 /**
2 	GDC compiler support.
4 	Copyright: © 2013-2013 rejectedsoftware e.K.
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.compilers.gdc;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.internal.utils;
12 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
13 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.path;
14 import dub.platform;
16 import std.algorithm;
17 import std.array;
18 import std.conv;
19 import std.exception;
20 import std.file;
21 import std.process;
22 import std.random;
23 import std.typecons;
26 class GdcCompiler : Compiler {
27 	private static immutable s_options = [
28 		tuple(BuildOptions.debugMode, ["-fdebug"]),
29 		tuple(BuildOptions.releaseMode, ["-frelease"]),
30 		tuple(BuildOptions.coverage, ["-fprofile-arcs", "-ftest-coverage"]),
31 		tuple(BuildOptions.debugInfo, ["-g"]),
32 		tuple(BuildOptions.debugInfoC, ["-g", "-fdebug-c"]),
33 		//tuple(BuildOptions.alwaysStackFrame, ["-X"]),
34 		//tuple(BuildOptions.stackStomping, ["-X"]),
35 		tuple(BuildOptions.inline, ["-finline-functions"]),
36 		tuple(BuildOptions.noBoundsCheck, ["-fno-bounds-check"]),
37 		tuple(BuildOptions.optimize, ["-O3"]),
38 		tuple(BuildOptions.profile, ["-pg"]),
39 		tuple(BuildOptions.unittests, ["-funittest"]),
40 		tuple(BuildOptions.verbose, ["-fd-verbose"]),
41 		tuple(BuildOptions.ignoreUnknownPragmas, ["-fignore-unknown-pragmas"]),
42 		tuple(BuildOptions.syntaxOnly, ["-fsyntax-only"]),
43 		tuple(BuildOptions.warnings, ["-Wall"]),
44 		tuple(BuildOptions.warningsAsErrors, ["-Werror", "-Wall"]),
45 		tuple(BuildOptions.ignoreDeprecations, ["-Wno-deprecated"]),
46 		tuple(BuildOptions.deprecationWarnings, ["-Wdeprecated"]),
47 		tuple(BuildOptions.deprecationErrors, ["-Werror", "-Wdeprecated"]),
48 		tuple(BuildOptions.property, ["-fproperty"]),
49 	];
51 	@property string name() const { return "gdc"; }
53 	BuildPlatform determinePlatform(ref BuildSettings settings, string compiler_binary, string arch_override)
54 	{
55 		import std.process;
56 		import std.string;
58 		auto fil = generatePlatformProbeFile();
60 		string[] arch_flags;
62 		switch (arch_override) {
63 			default: throw new Exception("Unsupported architecture: "~arch_override);
64 			case "": break;
65 			case "x86": arch_flags = ["-m32"]; break;
66 			case "x86_64": arch_flags = ["-m64"]; break;
67 		}
68 		settings.addDFlags(arch_flags);
70 		auto binary_file = getTempFile("dub_platform_probe");
71 		auto result = executeShell(escapeShellCommand(
72 			compiler_binary ~
73 			arch_flags ~
74 			["-c", "-o", binary_file.toNativeString(), fil.toNativeString()]
75 		));
76 		enforce(result.status == 0, format("Failed to invoke the compiler %s to determine the build platform: %s",
77 			compiler_binary, result.output));
79 		auto build_platform = readPlatformProbe(result.output);
80 		build_platform.compilerBinary = compiler_binary;
82 		if (build_platform.compiler != this.name) {
83 			logWarn(`The determined compiler type "%s" doesn't match the expected type "%s". This will probably result in build errors.`,
84 				build_platform.compiler, this.name);
85 		}
87 		if (arch_override.length && !build_platform.architecture.canFind(arch_override)) {
88 			logWarn(`Failed to apply the selected architecture %s. Got %s.`,
89 				arch_override, build_platform.architecture);
90 		}
92 		return build_platform;
93 	}
95 	void prepareBuildSettings(ref BuildSettings settings, BuildSetting fields = BuildSetting.all) const
96 	{
97 		enforceBuildRequirements(settings);
99 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.options)) {
100 			foreach (t; s_options)
101 				if (settings.options & t[0])
102 					settings.addDFlags(t[1]);
103 		}
105 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.versions)) {
106 			settings.addDFlags(settings.versions.map!(s => "-fversion="~s)().array());
107 			settings.versions = null;
108 		}
110 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.debugVersions)) {
111 			settings.addDFlags(settings.debugVersions.map!(s => "-fdebug="~s)().array());
112 			settings.debugVersions = null;
113 		}
115 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.importPaths)) {
116 			settings.addDFlags(settings.importPaths.map!(s => "-I"~s)().array());
117 			settings.importPaths = null;
118 		}
120 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.stringImportPaths)) {
121 			settings.addDFlags(settings.stringImportPaths.map!(s => "-J"~s)().array());
122 			settings.stringImportPaths = null;
123 		}
125 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.sourceFiles)) {
126 			settings.addDFlags(settings.sourceFiles);
127 			settings.sourceFiles = null;
128 		}
130 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.libs)) {
131 			resolveLibs(settings);
132 			settings.addDFlags(settings.libs.map!(l => "-l"~l)().array());
133 		}
135 		if (!(fields & BuildSetting.lflags)) {
136 			foreach( f; settings.lflags )
137 				settings.addDFlags(["-Xlinker", f]);
138 			settings.lflags = null;
139 		}
141 		assert(fields & BuildSetting.dflags);
142 		assert(fields & BuildSetting.copyFiles);
143 	}
145 	void extractBuildOptions(ref BuildSettings settings) const
146 	{
147 		Appender!(string[]) newflags;
148 		next_flag: foreach (f; settings.dflags) {
149 			foreach (t; s_options)
150 				if (t[1].canFind(f)) {
151 					settings.options |= t[0];
152 					continue next_flag;
153 				}
154 			if (f.startsWith("-fversion=")) settings.addVersions(f[10 .. $]);
155 			else if (f.startsWith("-fdebug=")) settings.addDebugVersions(f[8 .. $]);
156 			else newflags ~= f;
157 		}
158 		settings.dflags = newflags.data;
159 	}
161 	void setTarget(ref BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string tpath = null) const
162 	{
163 		final switch (settings.targetType) {
164 			case TargetType.autodetect: assert(false, "Invalid target type: autodetect");
165 			case TargetType.none: assert(false, "Invalid target type: none");
166 			case TargetType.sourceLibrary: assert(false, "Invalid target type: sourceLibrary");
167 			case TargetType.executable: break;
168 			case TargetType.library:
169 			case TargetType.staticLibrary:
170 			case TargetType.object:
171 				settings.addDFlags("-c");
172 				break;
173 			case TargetType.dynamicLibrary:
174 				settings.addDFlags("-shared", "-fPIC");
175 				break;
176 		}
178 		if (tpath is null)
179 			tpath = (Path(settings.targetPath) ~ getTargetFileName(settings, platform)).toNativeString();
180 		settings.addDFlags("-o", tpath);
181 	}
183 	void invoke(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, void delegate(int, string) output_callback)
184 	{
185 		auto res_file = getTempFile("dub-build", ".rsp");
186 		std.file.write(res_file.toNativeString(), join(settings.dflags.map!(s => escape(s)), "\n"));
188 		logDiagnostic("%s %s", platform.compilerBinary, join(cast(string[])settings.dflags, " "));
189 		invokeTool([platform.compilerBinary, "@"~res_file.toNativeString()], output_callback);
190 	}
192 	void invokeLinker(in BuildSettings settings, in BuildPlatform platform, string[] objects, void delegate(int, string) output_callback)
193 	{
194 		import std.string;
195 		string[] args;
196 		// As the user is supposed to call setTarget prior to invoke, -o target is already set.
197 		if (settings.targetType == TargetType.staticLibrary || settings.targetType == TargetType.staticLibrary) {
198 			auto tpath = extractTarget(settings.dflags);
199 			assert(tpath !is null, "setTarget should be called before invoke");
200 			args = [ "ar", "rcs", tpath ] ~ objects;
201 		} else {
202 			args = platform.compilerBinary ~ objects ~ settings.sourceFiles ~ settings.lflags ~ settings.dflags.filter!(f => isLinkageFlag(f)).array;
203 			version(linux) args ~= "-L--no-as-needed"; // avoids linker errors due to libraries being speficied in the wrong order by DMD
204 		}
205 		logDiagnostic("%s", args.join(" "));
206 		invokeTool(args, output_callback);
207 	}
208 }
210 private string extractTarget(const string[] args) { auto i = args.countUntil("-o"); return i >= 0 ? args[i+1] : null; }
212 private bool isLinkageFlag(string flag) {
213 	switch (flag) {
214 		case "-c":
215 			return false;
216 		default:
217 			return true;
218 	}
219 }
221 private string escape(string str)
222 {
223 	auto ret = appender!string();
224 	foreach (char ch; str) {
225 		switch (ch) {
226 			default: ret.put(ch); break;
227 			case '\\': ret.put(`\\`); break;
228 			case ' ': ret.put(`\ `); break;
229 		}
230 	}
231 	return ret.data;
232 }